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Give and get support around quitting


4th day

My husband is out of town, he left yesterday and won't be back in until tomorrow...He has been my pillar for every time I've tried to quit. However this time I wanted to prove to myself that I can do this on my own. I often find that I used smoking as a crutch to make me feel better in times of woes or stress. I also have looked at that I have tried to quit for his sake and not my own. I have a really difficult time opening up to friends and family about the fact that I'm an ex-smoker now because they look at my past and how I've relapsed and gone back. It's disapointing and frustrating. So for the past week the only people I have really told were my co-workers (so they could be prepared for the mood swings. Not nessicarily for the support but just for their own awareness. My husband and a few friends. The frustrating thing is that I feel like the kid stuck at home with measles because all my friends smoke and drink and I can't do either of those things. The most frustrating thing is the fact that I feel this uncomfortable being alone, by myself. 

Tonight I've been really shaky, I've had more cravings then before( I've counted and in the past hour and a half I've had 4 cravings). I decided to do the incentive rule for myself. That for the time I've spent not smoking I would reward myself with something. Today I went and got my hair done. It feels kinda nice and it feels like I'm making a new start. 

I've also talked to my dentist about a week ago and got my cleaning done. I have whitening strips at home so I'm gonna start doing those so I can be back to my pretty pearlies like I had when I was younger. 

I just needed some support. I don't know how this site works but I hope that someone can help me. I need a helping hand and someone that is going through the same. 


As of recent I have tried Zyban. I started it a week before and on Tuesday I grabbed what was left of my pack and threw it in the garbage. It was such a liberating feeling, I thought to myself of course that I'd want to go back but I don't. 

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1 Reply

Just read your post.  Hope you made it through the evening without smoking.  It is tough. I quit on the 24th and relapsed over the weekend.  I am back on my quit now and determined not to slip again.

Good luck.

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