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Give and get support around quitting


41 and counting

Hello everyone!

Thanks for all the support and education about my nicotine addiction.  

Before my quit date (7/21), I was in a hopeless state of mind.  Now, as I sit, type and feel, I am truly grateful that I have stopped paying for something to kill me.  My sponsor is serious but funny (nicotine meetings).  When loneliness creeps in, I have outlets and tools to say what I mean but say it without being mean.  I beat myself up with a feather instead of a boulder.  I am working on not being so in charge of my life and stop putting out fires created by past traumas.

Reading one of the medical blog, Dr. Hayes refers to a word Anhedonia.  I identify with it.  I was going through motion of living but receiving no organic or orgasmic meaning, feelings from the actions.  Anything I did was void of true feeling and enjoyment and rewards. With cigarette between my lips, I played the role of victim, low self esteem and neediness.

My daughter accused me of buying approval instead of sharing feelings.  She was partially right.  Sitting in a smoke filled room, peeking out a window had more pleasure than trying to interact with another human being. I rather shove what ever coins I could collect at a person, place or thing then socialize.

I am 66 and the biggest Pollyanna for Love.  I smoke a lot of cigarettes being in love with emotionally unavailable people, places and things.  

OK enough of looking back at pain and suffering. I am probably mourning that I have to go back to work (9/5) without a cigarette.   It will be a process feeling and dealing with post traumatic stress and volunteered victimization.  Smoking only postpone the feelings and the reality.   Balance is what I am missing for today. 

So, let me end with positive actions. Didn't Take the First Puff!!  Gave to Red Cross for Texas' catastrophe.  Working with my community to prepare and send donations/clothing to Texas.  Breathe very deeply when feeling hurt or sad.  Clumsily and aggressively giving myself credit when I let go of mines and others drama. Slowly changing what I can and leaving the rest to the universe.

Tonight, I do not go to bed with emotional secrets and grateful I can breathe.


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16 Replies

Congrats and keep on keeping on just sharing the love given to me this SUGGESTION by all those STAYING QUIT no matter what 

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Thanks for sharing your challenges, Carolyn! Learning to face very difficult situations without smoking is all part of the Smoking Cessation process. 

First, I recommend that you put yourself and your Quit first! When you're not doing this you cannot be effective for those you advocate.

Second, if you haven't already, read up on your workplace policies. Document, document, document! When you think that you are ready to make your case you will have what you need to be credible and convincing.

Third, write it all out. Edit several times keeping in mind the consequences to you and to your students and determine adjustments based on what changes you actually can make and cannot make. [Remember, you still haven't visibly done anything.] Find a trustworthy advisor or two to read your final draft, give you feedback and help you edit even further. 

Now, you are ready to become public. Always follow protocols of reporting. Fasten your seat belt and stay centered - constantly providing yourself the best self-care you can! 

Take what you like and leave the rest. To be helpful is my only goal. 

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can; 
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time; 
enjoying one moment at a time; 
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; 
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it; 
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will; 
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next. 
And sometimes we have to accept that we are not the vessel of change, too! And that's OK. It means we trust the Higher Power to correct wrongs in his/her own way and time. God is never late!

Please reflect on your choices - I know you will make wise decisions!

Congratulations on 41 Days Smoke FREE!


Beautiful love spoken Thomas....did I tell you I love you today...I love you my beloved Thomas...when I first came to this site...I would search for your blogs and your page to leave a love note of thanks....I love the Serenity Prayer too...thanks for teaching ME to stay quit no matter what and to deal with life on lifes terms one day at a time....gentle hug and a kiss on each cheek for you Thomas.

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I needed those suggestions because they helped me to think logically rather than emotionally about my job and students.  

You are so right about policies and rules.  I have started rereading the Chandler's Regulations, Medicaid's regulation and my role and responsibility to my job.  For now, I am showing up doing my job and making sure I do a "days work for a days pay".  I keep my opinions to myself.  

As it stands, I may not be assigned to that school for the year.  When I return to work on Monday, I am placing the Serenity Prayer next to my computer.  It will help me to count to 10 and not to answer questions impulsively.  57 days ago, I would answer before I listen to the questions.  Instead of pausing, I would answer too quickly and afterward smoke several cigarettes and second guess my response.

Alan Carr is so right about following directions.  Thank all of you elders for helping us newbie to in not to taking the first puff.  

Feel clumsy saying love but I know this "you are appreciated"!!


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I remember my sister's horror when they had a meeting at her son's school and the teachers recommended that he be put on ritalin or some other ADHD medication...she said absolutely not.  You are trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole and that is NOT what we want for him.  One of teachers responded in an angry and aggressive way and said, "Really?  If he had diabetes, would you withhold insulin?"  My sister is nine years younger than I am, she is a quiet and kind person who literally turns herself inside out to help others (she never smoked).  She survived breast cancer and a bilateral mastectomy at age 37...she spent the next five years planning elaborate vacations for her family.  Her youngest son was three when she was diagnosed.  She kept the most amazing photo journals of each trip.  She said she was going to leave her kids with memories, that if the cancer came back, they would always have those.  Long story short of short, she is going to be 59 this month and the cancer did not recur...that teacher set off a bomb of motherly protection for her young and the ADHD theory was never mentioned again.  My nephew(s)...she has two with learning/social issues have both thrived because of her and the people like YOU who she was able to find.  I am so grateful for that.  Your caring and dedication are a gift to students, parents, and society at large.  You are NEEDED.

Congratulations on it 55 days NOW?



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Both great tools for quitters - the right attitude and support!

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