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Give and get support around quitting


40s group

I am in my 40s and just quit 3 days ago. Feeling more stressed today then ever. REALLY want a cig BAD!! But am going to beat this..........Teach a preschool class of 10 2 and 3 year olds and the school year just started here in FL so feeling the stress..... HELP ! Shelly
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8 Replies

Ok Shelly....breathe girl...just breathe....i know how you feel!!! you can do it!! God loves you and so do i!
just one minute at a time, and breathe!!!
love ya sista!!
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You don't have to tell me. I'm a school principal and quit about 13 days ago. It's not easy. Every time I get stressed I REALLY want a cigarette, but I tell myself "This too will pass".
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Shelly, you can do this! I know its easy to think that having one will make everything feel better but it wont. Its not worth it now to go back. Try to keep thinking about all the reasons why you dont like smoking and take some deep breaths to get you through the hard times. I used to think that smoking relieved my stress at work, now I think that smoking is what caused the stress! One day at a time, it will get easier!
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I really used to think that smoking helped me deal with stress. As time went on and my addiction grew stronger, I got to where I was constantly under stress from wanting more cigarettes than there was time in a day to smoke them and still breathe! Each and every day, I'd smoke way more than I intended and would get stressed out with myself for doing it, especially when I began having troubles breathing and started coughing all the time! I'd get so pissed off at myself! And when you're pissed at yourself, nothing else seems as good as it should. I've been quit now for about 69 days and actually have started liking myself again! I'm free and I'm PROUD!!!!! Lots of people helped me, but it was still something I had to do on my own, and that makes me proud! 😉

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Shelly take a deep breath then another. Smoking is not going to cure the source of your stress. Stressful timess will always be there in your life find a new way with coping with it wether it be going for a brisk walk, deep breathing, anything that can relieve the stress for you get creative.
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Keep taking the deep breaths and take it hour by hour

have a wonderful day Pictures, Images and Photos
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Hello all Thanks for the support! I made it lol No smoking .Downloaded and played a game on the net, mindless but kept me busy! Thx to all for your help, Shelly
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have a wonderful day Pictures, Images and Photos
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