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4 hour cravings in the morning

It's my second day off the junk. I noticed that in the morning there are persistent, strong urges to smoke that don't go away. After that though it falls back to ten minute cravings I can breathe or meditate to. Is this normal? Any tips for powering through?

12 Replies

JACKIE1-25-15‌ gave you some amazing advice...this is NOT a fight, it is a journey...craves will come and go, no crave is going to kill you or last forever.  You are doing GREAT!  


Wow HollyRose8675309, it's like reading my own words.  The mornings were generally the hardest part of my day.  I am finally not struggling that much, but do occasionally am challenged in the morning.  I have found that I need to "move a muscle to change the thought".  It was so important for me to get busy doin something to stop the thoughts in my head.  I would even go outside in the cold with only a t-shirt and pajama bottoms on just to distract myself.  I did anything but smoke.  Keep pushing through it.  It will happen.



Thanks so much! That's great advice

On Mar 6, 2018 2:01 PM, "MichelleDiane" <>

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