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Give and get support around quitting


35 years too many

Hi everyone,

My name is Suzan. I have msoked since I was 23 years old. 35 years ago.  I quit when I was pregnant twice, but always took it back up. I always enjoyed it, and my spouse smoked besides so it was easy.

I knew I was addicted, but always found reasons why I couldn't quit..stressful time, devorce, deaths, etc. My ex boyfriend didn't like the smell but that didn't stop me. I just racked it up to one of my FEW bad habits.  🙂  Truthfyully, I didn't like the smell of it on others either, or the smell of my closet or car....etc.

 I had to go in  for knee surgery at the end of Oct. , and learned that I  would be in the hospital for a few days. Oh my would I smoke? I had it figured that I would get a wheel chair and go outside by myself, , but thank goodness I was so drugged up that I didn't even think about it, and had a few days under my belt of not smoking.  I was so happy and my family was so proud and happy for me. I thought I can do this, I can do this... I am stil not smoking, hard as it is.
I couldn't get on the computer for over a month because that was a place that I couldn't even go to withought a cigarette in my was a favorite pastime.  I didn't drive due to my leg, so for the first month I was good with the car.

I have not smoked since Oct. 29, and am trying to be smoke free forever. I know there will come a time when I don'tthink of it 22hours a day, and I am waiting for that day.

I wish everyone here the strength to keep away from I hope for me.

I did, however calculate that I was saving about  $155.00 a took my  family to the beach with that  "saved" money.

I am patiently waiting for other benefits to SHOW...not inside, I need visuals like improved skin, etc...

Now that I have written a book, I just wanted to get on her to also get support and talk with others about how they are doing it, etc. It is a hard thing to do/quit alone, and people DO forget to give us positive feedback as much as we would like.
I know it is for us, our children, etc...but we still need that good stroke often for awhile.

It will be great to say we quit "last year" when the new year rolls around. 🙂 

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2 Replies

Wow, I should have proofread this. i really do know how to spell things like SMOKED d-i-v-o-r-c-e etc. ! LOL   Oh well, you kow what I meant.   🙂

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Congratulations on your (almost) 2 mos, wish I could say that.  I think a lot about the money too, after all, who has it to burn?  My sis quit years ago, she started drinking lots of water, taking vitamins, and working out and her skin improved dramatically.  She already looked pretty good for 50 something, but it took years off her face.  Best of luck to you, I need it too!

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