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Give and get support around quitting


3+ year quitter picked up a cannabis addiction

Hi Everyone,

I am new here and can hardly navigate this site, so I hope I will be able to find this thread again later on to see if there are replies and engage with other people.

I feel like I have gone from one very bad addiction, nicotine, to another much less bad one, but still an addiction. I smoked cigarettes for decades and finally became nicotine free in 2015 and haven't touched a cig since then. Hooray. 

But I did pick up a cannabis addiction. Although it is not very much, less than one joint a day, I am continuously taking in small amounts to run an almost constant buzz.

Quitting nicotine was one of the hardest things I ever did and I'm proud of that accomplishment. I feel ashamed that now I have this other addiction to deal with.

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62 Replies

There are lots of people who have used the Ex to help them quit that don't really participate on  a regular basis or need to take a break, so I understand what you're saying.  No reason to have any bad feelings about what works for you.   Continued success and check in anytime you might need some reinforcement. Best wishes on your continued success.


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Confrontational?  Wow.  Really?

it sure is great to have you participating when you can!
why did you come back here to offer your beautiful support?
Whatever it was, I'm so glad you are here to contribute the wisdom of your quit years for as long as you can be here to offer it. 

That's confrontational?  Then mea culpa.  It is certainly not my intention to come across that way.  And you're absolutely right, I thought (wasn't paying close enough attention  - you said right in the blog "I'm new here) seeing your quit date under your avatar on your page that it meant you had been a member of this site back then.  (Didn't scroll down far enough to see the "Member Since" date.  Sorry.)  So I thought you had simply come back to celebrate a milestone or to reconnect, offer support or get some. 

And as I already said, I absolutely understand and agree with the triggering aspect of reading blogs and discussions on here.  I experienced the same thing a couple of times. 

Anyway, I'm sorry for my misinterpretation.  I still think your support is wonderful and appreciate you're being here.


Funny how that works. I come here to remind myself why I don't smoke and to read comments from others in the same boat. We're all different, I guess.

Sometimes, I come here to blow off steam when I feel like smoking or am having a crappy day in general.

Whatever works for you is the thing you need to do for you. Just know that the door is always open right here and there are people who care.


Day 171