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Give and get support around quitting


2nd try...

Hello! My name is Kane. I am 23 years old and trying to quit for the 2nd time in the past 6 months. The first time around I went 3 weeks without smoking. I gave in when I got a promotion and was opening a new store. All of the stress seemed to be too much. I am also a single mother with no family support, which adds to my stress. I have not yet set a quit date, but I am hoping to be smoke-free in the next 30 days. Any advice?
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11 Replies

Hiya Kane! Welcome to EX!! First of all, I am assuming that you are doing the EX plan at that will help you learn what your triggers are, figure out when you smoke the most and teach you how to delay and divert yourself from smoking! We all have stress in our lives and stress can't make us smoke, only we can. It's a matter of telling ourselves that smoking is not an option, no matter what! When you do start cinammon sticks are awesome to suck on and inhale. They give a nice little pleasant cinammon blast to the back of your throat that is soothing. Also, I haven't tried it, but I've heard that putting some vics vapor rub underneath your nose helps too. During the first 3 days it's good to drink lots of juice. Our bodies get depleted of blood sugar when we stop smoking and the juice will help to restore that and make you feel better! The biggest thing that I have found that has helped me is to stay positive, keep your mind busy and don't dwell on cigarettes. If you find yourself thinking of them, then give yourself a sharp NO. No = NOT ONE!! Continue to tell yourself that smoking is NOT an option! If it is not an option, then there is not reason to think about it. Getting involved here is awesome! From day one, you can help others who are just beginning to quit and let them know that you are in the same stage -- it's good to know that you are not alone! The more you post here, both with your own posts and getting involved with discussions, the more friends you will make and the more support you will get!! You may want to do some reading on two sites: and . Both of these sites have so much information about how our minds are affected with this addiction. The more knowledge you have coming into this, the better off you will be!! Many congratulations on your decision to quit!! It's the best thing you can ever do for yourself, because you will literally be giving yourself back life!! Feel free to drop me a post if I can be of any help at all!! Take care and we'll look forward to seeing you online as an EX in the near future!!!
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Wow, I had no idea. Thanks for all of the information. I will be sure to check out the sites you listed.
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