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Give and get support around quitting


27 years. Can I do this?

I’m 45. I’ve smoked for 27 years. I’m a heavy smoker. I’m  so ashamed of this habit and the control it has over my life. I’ve chosen a quit date 13 days from now. Because I’m a private smoker (never smoke around another person), very few people know I’m a smoker. That means I don’t have many support people (husband and sister only). On the upside, it also means no one ever smokes around me. So, I won’t have the issue of people smoking around me as I try to quit.  But I could sure use another support person, maybe someone else who’s on this journey? 

I plan to use nicotine gum along with a support community.  I know this is the fight of my life. I’m afraid, but hopeful. 

Any my tips you can share are welcome. I’ve been perusing the resources here, and will continue to do so. I so want this. I so hope I can do it. 

Thanks for listening. — Dawn

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22 Replies

Thank you, Ellen. You have a gift for helping others find healthy perspectives. And you've encouraged me. 

I think other Ex.'s here have pretty much covered it. I'm new here, just working on 2nd. week of Freedom.

This site is the BEST I've ever found. The people here are so helpful and supportive and encouraging.

I've smoked for 45 yrs. My entire adult life and I'm not proud of that...It's a Fact and I am an Addict. I've

had enough and want this to be my last quit. I BELIEVE IT WILL BE, as I planned,prepared and studied 

all the info. I could get my hands on. I'm here everyday right now. More than happy to respond when you

need someone. Welcome and plan to see you around...Prairie

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Good for you, Prairie!  I may take you up on that offer; I know I'll need all the help I can get. I'm so glad you are getting the support you need, too. Best of luck to you, congratulations on your amazing progress, and thank you for the inspiration!

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