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Give and get support around quitting


25 Weeks Pregnant, Day 1 as an EX!

I've had a really hard time quitting with this pregnancy. This is child #3, and with the other two it was easy to drop the habit, but somehow I always picked it back up. I've been a smoker for ten years, and I am sick of it. My husband hates it, and I hate to let my children see me smoke. I've decided to quit. Today. We'll see. I threw away all lighters/ashtrays and made a ceremony of destroying my cigarettes. Whenever I have the urge, I plan to listen to my fetal heart doppler, and remind myself that I have another human being inside of my body. I will use my unborn daughter as motivation to quit, but this time I WILL stay smoke-free. If I can quit for the remaining 3 months of my pregnancy, I can quit for life. 

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6 Replies

Hi Kay. congrats on quitting. come over to the BLOGS , that is where we all hang out. you will get tons of support over there. also check out that site is really great for getting you into the right mind set. to reply to me, just click on my picture and it will take you to y page. thaere you can e=write on my message board. looking forward to hearing from you, you can do this, we can help. we all know how you feel.


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Hi Kay, you can do this.  Today is the first day for me, 8/15/11.  It's a St. Mary's Day.  God bless you and your little baby, as well as the rest of your reasons to quit!  I look forward to seeing more of family and having better results in my career because I am quitting smoking.  Have a smoke-free day!


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Hi Kay,

I know exactly what you are saying.  I hate to admit it but I also smoked on my second pregnancy.  I cut down to five a day but the guilt was awful.  I didn't manage to quit then however I have a beautiful five month old baby boy now and I quit 8 days ago.  I was the same as you, I hated smoking and the example I was setting for my kids.  It feels great to be smoke free now, I have been down this road at least ten times but this time is different, my mind set is good and I can honestly say I will never touch a cigarette again. 

Hang in there Kay, a day at a time is the best way to go and don't be too hard on yourself.  You are trying and that is a big thing.  I wish you the best of luck and know you can do it. 



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Hi Kay,

Your unborn daughter is a lucky little girl.  Your resolve to kick the addiction is so impressive.   I couldn't have children, so am going to send all of the positive energy I can in your direction.

One time - someone told me to suck on orange slices when an urge hit.   Since Vitamin C is great for babies .. maybe this will help?  I found that it at least kept me busy until the urge passed...

One urge at a time -- You can do this.

(Another) Kay

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I could have written that post!  I am currently 24 weeks pregnant with baby #3.  My nausea was so bad that it was easy to quit with my first two children, but the stress of raising them (alone at the time) seemed to lead me back to a habit.  After months of not smoking at all, I'd tell myself it was just one cigarrette... but we all know how that goes! 

I'm married now with #3, and my husband smokes as well.  We keep saying we'll quit together, but after a day or two, hubby breaks down and brings more packs home... and I'm weak.  Being obviously pregnant, I'm too ashamed to go buy cigarettes myself. 

This will be our first child together after a year of 4 consecutive miscarriages, so it's automatically considered a high-risk pregnancy for that reason.  And the stress doesn't help!  I was just diagnosed with polyhydraminos (too much amniotic fluid), and it seems there may be some correlation to smoking.  No other cause was found, and pre-term labor is a possibility.  I certainly don't want that to happen, or to have my boy born into nicotine withdrawal, and I hate smelling like smoke around my children!

I'm visiting family this December after living abroad for the last year, and since my husband is staying behind for work, we'll be separated for 3 weeks.  My family doesn't know I'm smoking, and I'm too ashamed to let them see me do this is a great opportunity for me to quit.  I won't be around smokers, and no one is going to be buying cigs for me.  I just worry about coming back to a smoking husband, but am determined to quit for good! 

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This is my 3rd child (26wks pregnant) and my first day quitting. Just out of curiousity... were you able to stop? I want my son to be enough, but it's sooooooo hard. Any words of wisdom?

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