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24 year old Amy Winehouse has a "small amount of emphysema"

I'm sure this is old news to many, but seems like a relevant question for Dr. Hurt. How is it that a 24 year old, crack addiction or not, have emphysema?

Just unlucky genes?
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9 Replies

I am not sure I understand this post?
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I am not sure I understand this post?
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She smoked crack... I imagine that damages your lungs a bit more than cigs although I could be wrong, but my's crack!

Add the smoking cigs on top of that and the fact that she probably has other problems since she has looked on the verge of death for months now...I'm sure her body is breaking down.
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I actually read an article on another site that ended up saying that her father is retracting the emphysema statement and that he supposively over exaggerated and that she doesn't have emphysema but her lungs are very damaged and it is leading to emphysema if she keeps up the smoking. I don't pity the crackhead tho.
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What you say is true but at the same time, we are all responsible for ourselves, regardless of the help that has been offered to us. But I don't feel sorry for addicts. That includes myself who has been a nicotine addict and/or any other "addictive" behaviors I may have had in the past. I understand very well how hard addiction can be rather it be to cigs, alcohol, hardcore drugs, gambling, ect. Eventually you either wake up and change or destroy yourself with your addiction, and by doing so often do a lot of damage to those who care about you. There is nothing to pity in my book, at all. Addiction sucks. It can change us at our very core but in the end, we still have to be the ones to beat it. We have to realize that we are destroying ourselves. Nobody ever showed me empathy for my smoking habit. I took a lot of crap as a smoker. Maybe it was tough love in part. Maybe it was utter disgust in the habit. But it helped changed my mind in what I was doing.
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As both an addict, and recovering addict from tobacco and other substances. I do not take it upon myself to judge others. I leave that to God.

No implicated meaning, no need to read between the lines, and this is not an attack on anyone, but I felt the need to chime in.
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I totally try not to judge others where addiction is concerned because I know that nicotine addiction is one of the strongest and hardest to break addictions there is. I can only imagine how horrible it would be to be addicted to crack because I know how strong my addiction to nicotine is and that I do it anyway regardless of the consequences or, rationality, or desire to quit. I still can't refrain from making this little joke though. When I heard about Amy Winehouse I immediately thought 'guess she should have gone to rehab after all'!
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Mayo Clinic

Emphysema is almost always caused by smoking and is most common among people who are older than 50. Younger smokers do sometimes develop early onset emphysema that can be due to a deficiency in the lungs that is an inherited trait call alpha one anti-trypsin deficiency. Check with your healthcare provider.
Dr. Hurt is now Retired
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My question is why is a 24 year old with her whole life ahead of her on crack? And I guess the same could be said about all of us smokers, WHY?
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