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Give and get support around quitting


2 weeks today.

On the patch and pills and don't really have a hunger for a cig. And I'm amazed after 40 years at 2 packs a day.
But there is increased anxiety and the fact that I have shortness of breath much more now then when I first quit. Still do the treadmill everyday but the breathing is not getting better yet. Any advice?
Also sleep is hard to come by but I think that's the meds.
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6 Replies

congrats on two weeks,
seriously consider going to the doc for an exam. Smoking depresses many functions and hides many ailments, the shortness of breath could be something that needs treatment, but hey I'm not a doc, just MHO.
Anxiety could be related to pills and or patch, doc can give definitave answer on it.
Sleeplessness it one of the side effects of nicotine withdrawl, but it could be the result of the patch if you are wearing them 24/7 again IMHO
any way best of luck, RJ ...Free at Last 382 days after 32 yrs of two packs/day killing myself
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Hey Marc! Congradulations on having 2 weeks! I went through a healing process when I quit. I believe that RJ is right in saying to have your doctor check you out. You are a success story and things will get even better. I still have to pinch myself because of the fact I had an addiction that I thought I could never arrest. Feels great doesn't it?
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hi marc, well sounds like you've quitting smoking syndrome, take 2 aspirins and call someone in the morning we will all be here for you, increased anxiety is normal, once when i quit i got a pain across my back that almost killed me and i can never sleep when i quit, with or without taking anything, so just hang in there and keep on keeping on!! it wil get better , your friend bobbie
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Gosh - all I can do is agree with everyone here.....get it checked out...smoking for so many years like we did, leaves the lungs and bronchial fibers weak and vulnerable...and oddly enough, alot of people have the problem once they is treatable...and it will pass....

But CONGRATS on 2 weeks !!!!!! You have SUCH a great life ahead of you !!!!!

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