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Give and get support around quitting



Hi everyone I have just joined "become an ex" and would appreciate any help and advise.  Thanking you in advance.

31 Replies

Welcome to taking the first huge step towards your freedom.  I too smoked 1 pack/day for nearly 40 years, and just recently celebrated 1 year of freedom. 

As many before me advised you to do, please do all the reading you can; it will help you set your mind in the right frame for the beautiful change you are making.  And be happy and proud of yourself for the decision you made, came here and blog often, ask as many questions as you need to, don't be shy with your feelings, chances are many of us went through the exact same ones as you do, as you will.

It is what makes this place special, credible, and useful to all kind of quitters: it has the human, the peer experience being laid out for you to help!  You can take what works for you, leave the rest.


Hi. I'm at day 3. I'm not bad today, yesterday was rough! it's one day at a time but definitely not as bad as I thought it would be!!!


Hi there Juliette - welcome to the site! You are in a great place for support. Be sure to read the Carr book Nancy mentioned - and stay close. You can do this! 

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I quit a day before you!  We will do it.  No Doubt!  Nothing is stronger than a group of people.  Together we can do anything!


Truth!  There's no way I would have been successful without the support on this site. Welcome to EX!!

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Hope you are still doing good? I'm day 8 so u must be day 9?  Nighttime is the hardest for me for some reason... ugh



Congratulations on making the decision to quit smoking. 

Welcome to EX.  You have come to the right place for a new day and a rebirth.  

This is all about you and what you are willing to do to be smokefree. Quitting smoking requires hard work.  It can be challenging at times but you will learn that it is doable if you adhere to NOPE not one puff ever no matter what. 

 Start First, by educating yourself about nicotine addiction.  Education is the key to a successful quit.

Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101         

Here are the links   and

Also Read   Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Easier Way to Quit Smoking”.       

The link is here:

 Go to and get started. We will support you. You are in your journey for freedom

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Welcome to EX Juliette67.  I would never have been able to stay off cigarettes without the support and the education I got from this everything you can about smoking, about nicotine addiction and remember that quitting is not an event, it is a journey, it is one day at a time.  It is not easy but it is SO DOABLE.  

Stay close to the site, read and see how others have dealt with their quits.


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A big hiya from SW Florida, Juliette!

I see all the regulars have commented on your post and welcomed you. Notice they've all quit for different periods of time. Most of them are referred to as our "Elders". There's a reason for that. They really know their stuff. Between them and all the tools offered on this site, you've got everything you need to quit.

The only thing they can't give give you has to come from within - desire, perseverence, and strength. You may or may not be ready to give up smoking. What you need to remember: don't be afraid to fail. Failing is temporary when you want to quit. You have to be ready. If you fail, make sure you take something away from the experience. This way, the next attempt will be a little easier because you'll be stronger for it.

Now, I'm no elder. As a matter of fact, I seldom come to the site. That doesn't mean I never think of the things people have said to me and offered as support. I am still taking Chantix, so it hasn't been that long. You see, I broke all the rules when I started my quit. I didn't pick a quit date. I allowed myself to smoke past the one week reccommended by the manufacturer. I used to smoke outside on my lanai. There's an ashtray out there with half of the last cig I ever smoked. (It serves as a reminder of the cage I built for myself). That was roughly six or seven weeks ago. But that was me. My way is not for most peoiple. I guess what I'm trying to tell you is while these people know the best way for almost everyone to give up nicotine, you might have something out of the norm you think may help your quit. Everyone's quit must be personal.

When I posted I intended to quit "My Way," I met with LOTS of opposition. That oppositition forced me to think about what I was doing and the plan I had made for myself. It also made me defend myself. I think doing that helped me find the strength to succeed. I couldn't let all these people tell me "I told you so!" In any event these people did, in fact, help me.

So while you're here, take advantage of what everyone has to offer. Listen and learn. Just don't be afraid to be yourself.


just call me Lisa


Hi Lisa

Thanks so much for all your advice.  I quit on Sat 18th of March so today is my third day.  I have managed quite well at home over the weekend but am battling today at work as have my little routines of going outside and smoking which i can no longer do.  My collegue also smokes all the time so it is very difficuilt but will persevere.  Thanks again

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