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Give and get support around quitting


1400 Days, Today

I had blown a long quit of 2 1/2 years-ish,  went back to smoking like a fool for a few years(if you relapse DONT WAIT get right back at it)  or i never properly quit and fully changed my lifestyle and replaced the bad habit. I had quite a few failed quits after that lasted weeks to months and each time in the back of my head was i quit before i can do it again and when my nerves(anxiety) acted up I'd smoke. I was on QSMB and i was in the chat room there and found support, each time i had that nervous feeling i would jump on there and talk with my friends and they helped me over that hurdle. Still after( months after) the same situation, a straw helped but exercise especially walking was the missing ingredient. I had shared this with a childhood friend dave and he had battled addiction but some heavy addiction, when i told him about the walking trick he told me, you have a new habit and replaced the bad one. Move a muscle, change a thought... and 1400 days later    ..

Anyone reading this.. If i can do it, you can do it.

Each day that passes I'm the" fartherest" away from smoking that i have ever been.. I love the Lord of the rings, books and movies and sam  "If I take one more step, it will be the fartherest away from home I've ever been."

If I take one more step - YouTube 

21 Replies

Congratulations, WhispersQSMB‌ !  You're doing a great job, and paying it forward as well, inspiring new quitters and keeping us "older" ones inspired too!

I'm so glad you found your way here after QSMB died, it is a great place to land


Thank You Marciem

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