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Give and get support around quitting


12 weeks quit and I am an emotional wreck. Anybody else?

I feel great physically.Mentally, I am angry, depressed, and easily upset, crying at the drop of a hat. Is this normal?

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11 Replies


"Slipping" does not have to be part of the process.  That is totally up to you.  If you make the decision not to smoke another cigarette no matter what  and learn to react to the addict within's temper tantrums by doing something besides smoking, you can be successful.  Don't set yourself up for failure at this early juncture! 

At the very least, come here and write a blog with the subject "HELP" before you light a cigarette.   Give us time to check in and talk you down off the ledge.  Write what you think is causing you so much to want to smoke.  Sometimes, just writing it out is all that is needed to get past the crave.

Do you have a list of things to do instead of smoke handy?  If not, I suggest you make one that includes things you can do instead of smoke.  This quit thing takes effort and planning on your part, but I can guarantee that if you are successful, you will feel that it was worth it to be free.

Stay close!


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I am going to add the following repost from Quitnet.


Newbies do you wonder why you feel so crazy sometimes?? Here is a reason for it

From ionronrote  on 8/24/2004 6:36:51 PM


The biochemical healing process of our bodies once we are quit

 From ionronrote on 4/21/2003 3:29:30 PM


 The healing process is a biochemical one, that is behind our emotional upheaval, depression and crying we are not being able to help it. Its normal, we don`t have to panic over that just let it roll its ok. Nicotine is a perfect mimic of acetylcholine which is natural chemical our bodies produce. This controls emotions and reactions to things in our brains and sympathetic nervous system. The use of nicotine stops our bodies from producing acetylcholine. We stop the nic and bodies have to learn all over again to produce acetylcholine. This is why our emotions are literally all over the place, this can take a while to build back again. Just knowing this should help us to walk thru it better, it helped me a lot. We can explain this to our family, so that they will understand and not get upset with what we literally can`t help. The acetylcholine will come back I’m toward the end of this rebalancing, i still get some moments but overall I’m much calmer. Be patient this process takes time.


 Lot of people think oh after 72 hours nic out of me I’m fine. yes the w/d part is done but then the rebuild and chemical rebalance takes a while longer, that`s ok it’s a steady slow improvement, it is the healing (your body learning to manufacture its acetylcholine again) this knowledge and patience with ourselves is what helps us get through this time because it is a normal part of the quit process.

 I have been quit for 4 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 8 hours, 40 minutes and 23 seconds (141 days). I have saved $265.05 by not smoking 4,240 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Month, 1 Day, 9 hours and 20 minutes of my life.

