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10 WEEKS & Want a Cigarette

I'm almost ten weeks in smoke free and wanting a cigarette.

NO I'm not going to smoke.  I'm so tired of these cravings coming out of the blue and I know I put myself in this hole and its going to take a long time to be free of this addiction.  I'm really moody lately and weepy on and off, I have noticed none of this has made me want a cigarette, the thought of a cigarette doesn't come to mind during my regular stress and daily problems.  
Right now just sitting here for the last few minutes I want a cigarette, but I don't want a cigarette when I see someone smoking or smell cigarette smoke.  What the hell is wrong with me?

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17 Replies

I will also chime in and say that what you are going through is very normal, I remember it so well because one moment you might be laughing and the next moment you might be crying or wanting to scream but we all got through it and so will you, the days should start getting easier but the only way out is through,read the links suggested above they really helped me during those first few months. katherineu 


Well wanting a cigarette and not wanting to smoke are 2 different things.The addiction is the wanting to smoke but NOT WANTING TO SMOKE is the answer.  Think of a dieter.............they want the gooey desert but won't eat it because of the calories.  I think I will "always want" a cigarette but I DO NOT WANT TO SMOKE.

It will get better.

Lillian  275 days of not smoking


Your addiction has told you for many years that you want a cigarette over and over again many times a day.  That thought does not quickly go away.  It takes work and realizing that it is the addiction talking.  It will take time for it to stop telling you that.  All you have to do is NOPE.  Tell the thought to go to hell.  Tell your brain that it is a lie.  Say oh no I don't, you can't fool me and laugh it off.  It is a mine game push and pull.  You are the winner. 


I hope that today is a little easier...thinking of you and sending NON smoking thoughts!

0 Kudos

I can smell the fragrance of a burning cigarette over 100 feet away. I'm like a coon hound-dog sniffing something tasty and wondering from which direction it is coming and who is having that smoke. I'm 25 weeks and counting. I started with hours, then days, now weeks. The next step is months. 


pgroce‌ PLEASE keep going...keep the positives in mind, smoking does not help anything, it does not fix have 25 weeks?  That's six months so you ARE counting months...keep going, it WILL get easier.  I really hope that you understand that your addiction is making that smell appealing but that you do not have to smoke.  Keep going...stay close like you are right now and read blogs, comment, look at what is working for others.  We really want you to succeed.  



10 weeks, thats's substantial. Remember day one. Thank god you don;t  have to go through that again.  just remember nope. not one puff ever. You are doing good.


Remember why you quit.  Focus on all the new good things about being a non-smoker.  The thought of wanting one is just a lie, it can't hurt you.  Move on from it.  The "just one" romance got me last time at day 320 something.  I was so close to the 1 year mark.  I had that just one and it took me 6 more years to quit again.  Don't fall for the lie.  You really don't want to smoke.  I think the reason I am doing so well this time is I learned my lesson, the biggest thing about being a smoker is the addiction, you are such a slave to it, you can't do it your way, it has to be the addictions way.  It was a smoke every 30 minutes or so for me.  It really sucked being a slave.  For that reason I am never going back.