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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


bump in the road

Well, I don't know if I'm going to be able to use Chantix to quit. I've been having some pretty
hard core anxiety and depression since I got up to the full dosage of it and for the moment
I am off the Chantix. And on the cigarettes. I totally failed this and right now I just feel awful
and scared and angry with myself. I had such high hopes for this and even when I started
feeling bad I kept taking it because it was working. Things just got to be too bad for me. I
can't even remember a time in my life when I have felt so panicked and trapped. It was (is)
totally awful. Anyone else had an experience like this? Sure could use some input right
about now...
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7 Replies

hi Iam new to this site but I know how you feel . I feel the same at times it gets so bad I cant leave the house .I do not take anything I tried to quit cold terkey not good lol I never knew how much smoking messed up my brain. it really can make you feel crazy when you dont smoke . but Iam down to 5 a day so I know there is hope. hang in there your not alone.
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I had very much the same experience. I ended up relapsing for a few days for very much the same reasons. What made the difference for me was to cut the dosage to 1/2 the recommended. For me, this meant cutting the 1mg pills in half. Eventually (about a week later) I just went to taking one 1mg pill after lunch.

The main reason for that change was that I was tired *all* the time while taking the drug. I finally stopped taking it this past Monday. I forgot to take Monday's dosage and decided to have a go without it. So far, so good. I'm keeping it handy just in case. Hope this helps.

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Also having the same feelngs. I started in January, got up to the 1 mg dose and the stomach pain and "gas" was unbearable. My Dr said I could use 1/2 the dosage, and I feel this is not strong enough. I am back to smoking, as of 2 weeks ago,want to try again, but do I have to go back to square 1? I had the vivid dreams, moodiness and about a 25 lb weight gain even though I am biking, walking and swimming 4-5 days a week. Any advice?
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I thought I was the only one who couldn't leave the house some days. I think the Chantix messed me up, and now off it 2 weeks I still don't feel right. I am smoking also about 5 a day. When I was on the full dose, my stomach pain and "gas" was unbearable. On the 1/2 dose I get too many urges and triggers to be useful.. This is not over a short period of time, I started Chantix Jan 29th.
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Your experience sounds just like mine. I got to the point two weeks ago that I was just freaked out all the time. I was so anxious
I couldn't function. Like you, I'm off the Chantix and back to smoking, and I am so angry with myself. My doctor wants me to go
back on it at the lower dose, but so far I'm too scared to try. I had to get a prescription for Ativan because I was so panicked all of
the time. So right now I am just kind of in a holding pattern. It kinda sucks. Hang in there...
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I had the same happen to me like a mental break down in my third week ...... i so wnted to keep to my commitment like my( 3 d's ) decision , dedecation and determination ..... but i could not handel it any more so i went and bought me a pack of smokes and lite up ....... so mad at my self the gulit was overwellming...... so I called my dr and talked to her and she said that i could cut the dose in half and i didn't even have to take it twice a day so i thought to my self lets give it a try cuz when i did the first week it was ok i now only take a half of the full dose once a day and have made it to 4 weeks n with out all those feeling of the first 3 they say one size dose not fit all
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Never think of it as going back to square 1 Allwas think of it as for ever step you take to trying to quit is a step closer to reaching that goal......I have tried for years... breaking all the habits.... not in the house, not in the car, wait so many hours till your next one , only can have five a day and so on ...... I would give the chantix another try . Some help is better then no help....... I was on it for 3 weeks and had a break down all the same things happing to u were happing to me to strong, felt like crap, all the time. Just couldn;t do it had to have that cig. but after a week of smoking I really was mad that this was controlling my life.....I said No More so i called the doctor and she told me to go on half a dose if need to and if I colud get threw the day with only half it was ok cuz there is no one size fits all...On Saturday I will be on my 4th week ..... Oh I still wanted to go smoke at times but i won't..... Here are a few things that have helped me .... Remember the 3 D's decision- determination-decation....... another thing is i had to think of my best fried gone she died. I smoked Virginia Slims for 38 years so ever time I thougth I had to have it I said No Virginia is gone is gone and I wish she was here for me. She was my best friend all those years allways there for me .... The craving only last for 7 mins and if you get threw that seven mins you made it till the next craving .. One Day at a time and ever day the cravings less that means less 7 mins to find something to do ...
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