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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Struggle is real

It has been a journey several times throughout the years of trying to quit smoking. I had a health scare that made me say this is enough, No more smoking. I now have told my children who come over to visit daily and yes smoke to not to give me a cigarette even if I beg for one. If you can't do that then just call me and talk to me on the phone. It so far has been good. Even Christmas with every one here not once did I go outside with them to smoke. Lord only knows I wanted to really bad. I just kept reminding myself of my scare and yes got my lozenge out. Which by the way comes in spearmint and cinnamon flavors. Cinnamon being my favorite just because the spearmint gives me the burps which I will continue to deal with as long as it helps me not smoke. The lozenges doesn't really help with the mood swings or agitation that comes on quickly and doesn't leave as quickly. So any suggestions there would be greatly appreciated.

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It has been 7 days since I last smoked. Its been a hell of a week. I was drinking my coffee this morning and was thinking not only am I saving money on smokes but also on mouth wash, perfume, that I would do every time I would smoke so Fred couldn't smell the smoke on me, like he didn't know I was smoking.. How I would spend money on cold medicine because I was outside smoking in 20 degree weather and how much I allowed the cigarettes to control my life. Its funny but not funny. At least I had one thing, never smoked in the house which is helpful at this point. I had group text all my kids and told them not to give me a cigarette even if I begged for one. Last night I asked my daughter to stop by and the first thing she said was mom I'm not bringing you cigarettes. It took me a minute to realize what she had said..  I hadn't even thought of smoking which surprised me. I did thank her though for honoree my request.  


Congrats on 7 days quit Melysjim .   That's why they call it Hell Week--and you were a success.   I hadn't smoked in my house or car for a number of year when I quit.  It is one thing that does help to make it easier.  

For many, it helps to set the money aside you're saving for something special.  

Keep moving forward one day at time. 


Good daughter! It does get easier. Hang in there. You’re doing great!


Congratulations on 7 days of FREEDOM and SoCollage 2018-03-07 08_55_08.jpgbriety. Keep going you're doing great.