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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Starting out

What seems to be the best method for folks?

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4 Replies

@Kabbott1031 Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.  There isn't a best method to quit.  It's what works for you.  Do reading on the site and research on the web  There are successful quitters here that have done just about everything.  Some quitters use an aid and other's don't--there are various types of NRT and medications.  Some are over the counter and other's require a prescription.  Many quitters pick a quit date and use that time to learn how to quit.

The important thing is to educate yourself about nicotine addiction and have your quit plan in place.  Identify your triggers, what tools with you'll use, what new associations you'll create instead of smoking,  using support on the site, etc.  This link is a great place to start.

For me, I attempted to quit many times over the years and finally succeeded after 50 years.  I picked a quit, had aids in place (Welbutrin & nicotrol inhalers), and cut down for a week.   Fortunately, I found the ex a week prior to my quit and realized I didn't have everything in place to be successful.  I learned about nicotine addiction and that I need a plan for how I was going to cope with the ups and down of the physical  and psychological (the mental and emotional) part of quitting.  And having the support of fellow quitters was something I never tried before.  

You can reach out for support, share your journey, Pledge not to smoke each day, celebrate your successes and support other quitters.

Begin your journey, we're here for you.




I've been putting on a patch every evening and I will chew on a piece of nicotine gum in the morning. It has definitely helped me with the early morning cigarette craving. Today I am 5 days smoke free and I will continue to use what is working. 14mg Step 2 patches and 2mg flavored gum. I wish you the best of success with your quit. 

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@EASE534 We're all unique quitters.  When you found what works for you is the  measure of success.  
Happy to be celebrating 5 days  with you.

Stay busy and stay close.








@Barbscloud. Thank you for all your support. I appreciate your helpful suggestions. 

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