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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Quit In 12-Steps (The AA Method)

One day at a time. I'm gonna work these steps or they're gonna work me!!!!

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28 Replies

I have saved and printed this...thank you sooooooooooooo much.

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I absolutely love this!!  I am in another 12 step program and have been trying to apply those principals to my quit.  Today, day 3, just taking it one hour at a time!  Thanks so much for the info!

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I go to AA since I recently stopped drinking.  Smoking and drinking together constituted a using pattern for me.  This is not an alcohol abuse group, so I won't bring up drinking.  But note how in the tips for quitting, EX warns about bars and alcohol for new quitters.  Alcohol and tobacco are both drugs.  When quitting one, continuing the other makes relapse into both again much easier for certain people.  I stopped drinking last July, so waiting a few months to try to quit smoking was okay for me.  Some ex-problem drinkers who smoke may want to wait a few years.  There's no fixed rule.  Alcohol destroys your social life and health, tobacco destroys your health and makes you stink.

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I think using the 12 steps is a perfect way to stop smoking.  If it works for other 12 steps then it will work for quit smoking, I will give it a try.  Anything at this point.

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I have also been in a 12 step program which saved me from alcohol addiction. Applying these same principles to cigerettes is just what i need to do. Been 10 years since I drank and now it is time to give up this addiction. My quit date is May I scared? Heck I want to die? Heck no. Do I want a life free from my addiction(s)..YES! Thanks for reminding me that the 12 steps can be applied to other addictions. I am also going to print this out as a reminder. Thanks.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

If you want to learn how to quit smoking, make sure you read the section on the EX site.

EX Community Admin Team
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Thanks for this group. I quit smoking today after 36 years as a smoker. I also found this site today. I had a panic attack after 3 hours without a smoke. Whew. Thought I wasn't even going to make it a day. Then I went on the computer, found this site almost immediately, just like I was supposed to. I wrote in a forum that I was going to quit one day at a time, and then started looking around Ex.

And there you were! saying what I knew was going to be my way to a smoke-free life. Thank you for this. I'm looking forward now to this adventure. I know I'm just starting, and will panic again. But not today.

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Hey Group. I'm still at it - day 4. Finally am beginning to feel well enough to start on the steps - I've been reading everyone's blogs like crazy comfort food. This is not the first time I quit, but I've only been able to make a serious commitment one time before. I quit about 20 years ago, for just over a year. Then my husband left me, my father died, and I had to give up a vocation I loved because of carpal tunnel, all with in that same year! Good excuses right? Really, I know I started smoking again to prove to my husband how much he had hurt me. Man, did I show him.

                                                      The best revenge is a life well lived.

Last time I quit using a book - don't remember the name or the author, but it taught me how to prepare to quit, writing out all my reasons, listing the benefits, rearrange the smoking environment, etc. I'm not sure I'm going to do all that thoroughly again, but I do have my "just do it" sign up in my screen porch, where I did most of my smoking. And I have a great selection of toys to keep my hands busy. I've even been sucking on jacks. Remember jacks? No, plastic ones.

Best of all, I have a supportive husband, and  all of you, who I know have my back. Oh, and I got buporpion - manna oh manna.

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Iam new to this and i love this 12 step program iam going to try it out  thanks

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