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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication

Nicotine Patch Users

I was on the 21mg for 4 weeks and it really helped me. I was really afraid to step down but really... I did not have any trouble. I guess I was one of the lucky ones. I was only on the 14 mg for less then a week then I just quit using them altogether. I have been totally off any nicotine for 5 months.
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I am using the patch. I started with the Step 2. (14 mg) I smoked under a pack of cigarettes. So far they are helping. I have used the patch in the past to quit smoking but relasped because I quit the patch too early. I think some people need to use it longer then they think they do. Working on day 3!!

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Just beginning Day 2 of my patch-assissted attempt to quit. I'm using the Habitrol system, given to me by a friend who couldn't use them due to skin issues. Talk about a gift! Anyway, I've never used the patch system before and to be quite honest, those smokers I know who have used them, didn't have very good results at all, so I assumed that they didn't really work. Then I figured out that those people didn't use the myriad support systems available, so their chances to stay smoke free were doomed from the start.

Due to my knowledge of other addictions, I fully realize that relapse is an intragal part of any attempts to quit which ever addiction you're afflicted with, so when you arm yourself with a little bit of knowledge about YOURSELF as well as the support systems out there, it makes sense to me that we all have a better chance at quitting this nasty habit.

I'm looking forward to getting encouragement - as well as giving it back to others - here in this group.

Day Two and so far, so good...


P.S. - Please excuse any misspelled words in advance as there is no 'spell-check' that I can find. I suppose, however, I could cut and paste my posts in Word and then spell check that way...

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Hope all patch users are still with us.  I successfully used the patch for 3 days and quit for 3 years.  Other times I used them, took them off and smoked!  I've met people who told me they did the entire program (8 weeks) and they've been quit 10 years.  This quit, my last quit, I was told by a conselor from American Cancer Society that I need to go through the entire 8 week program, so I intend to do just that (thinking I'd use 'em again for 3-4 days to take off withdrawal edge).  I'm accepting this help as I believe the older and longer you smoker, the harder it is because our bodies just do not swing back as quickly as they would have 10 years ago.  I've crossed over day 12 and so far truly haven't experienced the anxiety of the quit.  I am less stressed, more focused and better prepared.  I hope we have lots of successful patch quitters!

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Hi I'm on 9 days using the patch and even though its 21mg I miss the hand mouth contact, so I ordered no tar no nicotine

e- cigs, I am 51 and really want this to be my last quit. This is my third attempt since 2008, I am still working on ways to deal with stress. So thankful for online games and chatrooms.

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Hi. the first time i quit on the patch i relapsed due to the oral fixation does anyone have any suggestions for me this time around on how to beat the addiction physically and mentally?

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i have that same problem but i have been chewing gum and it has been helping, really anything tokeep your mouth busy is has help me

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I find that chewing gum, sucking on suckers or life savers, chewing on carrots or even straws helped for the first week or so. Mainly I have tried to find something to replace the hand to mouth idea. When I get craves I wash my hands and put on lotion. Something about getting your hands wet makes the crave go away for me.

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hello everyone.  I am using the Nicoderm CQ patch.  My last cig was last night before bed.    Today has been great!  only one craving and it was more like a thought passing by.  I have been smoking for 17 years and decided I would quit when I turned 40.  Well that was back in December.  This is my third quit since January.  I tried cold turkey the first time and went a whole 9 days but I started to go into a depression.  Which isn't me at all!    The second time I used the gums and lozengers and that quit only lasted a couple of days.   This time is the patch and it has been the NRT that is working for me; so I will continue to stay with it.  I started off with the 21mg patch since I was smoking about 15 cigarettes a day.  


I have been taking it off before bed because everyone says you have vivid and possible bad dreams.   I took a nap today and boy let me tell you I had a really vivid bizarre dream!    I dreamed I was driving along in my jeep and started to feel really weak and disoriented. I had turned off into a jiffy lube which was sitting up on a bridge over traffic below and pulled around the back of the building.  next thing I know I am jumping out of my jeep and my jeep is going over falling on the traffic below.      I then lay on the concrete paralyzed and couldn't move or open my eyes.  Paramedics showed up and she was talking to me and I could n't respond or open my eyes.  She pressed on my head and it hurt so bad.  I jerked around in a siezure or at least I thought I was. and she said "yep it is cancer"   I was crying inside but the tears weren't coming out.     After laying there for a bit and the paramedics poking and prodding me I opened my eyes and by that time my hubby was there.  


I woke up out of that dream and jumped out of bed.      Ok, I will not be napping while on the patch again! 


Hope I haven't bored y'all.   I am proud of all of you and am so glad there is a place for us to come to to share our stories and get support.


I’m on day 5.   The dreams kept me up a lot of the night so I take it off an hour before sleep.   Other than that I feel fine.   I’m going for the whole 8-10 week deal even tho I might Think I don’t need to.   Good luck.  I’m sick and tired of smoking.   It’s time. 


Hi TheRizLV, welcome to EX. So glad you are here. 

Please note that you've responded to a very old post that not many would be likely to notice that you've come along. The home page will show you current posts. 

Congratulations on day 5.

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