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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Is using a patch cheating?

So, I’m on day 26 with the help of a patch. Doing the whole 21mg x6 weeks and then dropping down for the next 4 weeks to nothing. Some folks seem to give me a look when I say I am quitting and using it’s not really quitting until I’m completely nicotine free. Maybe that’s all in my head with the other crazy thoughts that pop up now..ha! What do you think? 

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Member that's a real good answer Dale!  I agree!


It is only cheating if you are smoking the patch! lol.  this doctor says be on the patch forever if that is what it gets to quit smoking. Dr. Andrew Pipe: The Zombies of Smoking Cessation - YouTube 


It's all up to you.  If you believe it's cheating, it will be.  If you don't, it won't.  What belief helps you more in your quitting process?  Go with that one!  But beware making it your new addiction.  The object of the game is not only to quit smoking, but to be free from the necessity of being a slave to anything.

Kudos on the 26 days.  Almost a month under your belt.  You're obviously doing something right.  So keep doing it!

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Today is my first day on this site, but wanted to say (after smoking 40 years), I think anything that can help you not inhale tobacco smoke is NOT cheating.  One crutch at a time.  I read that the body produces excess nicotine receptors in tobacco users, so I originally wanted to go through ALL the withdrawals at once along with all the mind-warping desire, habit, etc, but found that to be much too difficult.  I thought if I could get to 7 days with zero nicotine, then the physical nicotine addiction would be pretty much gone...but I wasn't even able to hit three days and most of that time I had to just sleep. So I say, do what works for YOU. None of the naysayers are living your life and at the end of the day, none of their opinions even matter.


I’m so glad to have found this discussion, because I’m preparing to quit but just finished reading Allen Carr’s book which discounts using any kind of NRT. What a discouraging view!  At my pulmonologist’s recommendation, I have tried the patch before and it does help take the edge off.  My only problem is that it irritates my skin, often leaving itchy welts.  I, also, can’t wear it at night because the dreams get pretty crazy.  If I use the lozenges or gum, they throw my esophogitis into an immediate tailspin. So I’m opting for the patch and will just keep putting Benadryl on the itchy welts when needed   .  At this point my mind is fluctuating between excitement about quitting vs fear of failure, but I’m going to give my best effort because I really want to be free of this nasty addiction.

0 Kudos

BHnCA, you can do this one day at a time.  Congratulations on your decision and welcome to ex.

my leg and chest had less reaction.  I moved it around every single day.  I heard that more people have less reaction to Walmart's brand.  Just stick with it for as long as you need to.  When you notice that you went a day without slapping one on, you're good to go without it.  Any questions, visit Nicotine Patch Users


Do not fear failure, fear "NOT QUITTING"  My personal opinion, is that we are addicted to the nicotine, so if wanting to quit the addiction to nicotine, no matter how we are putting it into our bodies, it's not good for you!  However the patch would be much better vs. inhaling all the toxic/deadly chemicals!   

This is my two cents for free!    

Sandy 240 days of freedom! 


Kmarinello  I don't think it is cheating. I did not use anything to quit...I got so sick that it never even occurred to me.  You do what works for YOU....we all do what works for us and no one should be criticizing you for using the patch. It's an effective way to quit, my daughter used it and has been smoke free for over two years.  BHnCA  she took it off at night because of the dreams and she put it back on immediately when she woke up in the morning.  You might try putting somewhere else on your body or buying a different brand...I know some people have complained of rashes..some people had difficult keeping the patch on because of sweating.  

If you are NOT are doing this RIGHT.  If you are quitting smoking and you are still smoking..."you are doing it wrong." JonesCarpeDiem‌ says that...maybe in some other variation but it's true.  The patch controls itself, it's not like you are putting on extra ones when you are struggling, for that reason, it is considered preferable to gum or lozenges that you can OVERUSE. There are lots of kind to yourself and enjoy this journey!



It's absolutely not cheating.  It's an FDA approved therapy to help you quit smoking. You used it according to the instructions.