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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Inspiration to Quit!!

Hey, Everyone! I'm going to add this link to the "Discussion" section, so we'll have it permanently. I was more impressed with this than anything else I ever read about reasons to quit smoking. This really explains exactly how you get lung cancer and emphysema. Then if you click on the link at the bottom of the page it will explain how cigarettes cause you to lose your limbs from poor circulation. Bhavna sent this through as a blog the other day, but it didn't stay on the front page very long, so if you guys haven't taken the time to read it, please do. It might take 10 or 15 minutes, but isn't your life worth it?

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2 Replies

Thanks Sylvia! As the days go by I find reading bits from the whyquit so helpful. I can only pay attention to the facts so long at one time. And every time that I do I learn something that makes this adventure in learning to take care of myself with the sort of constancy that once upon a time (last month) I was in reality damaging myself without let up.

Because of the insights from whyquit, and all the successful ex'ers I am now looking at the cold turkey with new interest.

Like so many addicts who smoked I have lots of experiance in quitting and then quitting again and again and again. Going to bed every night thinking "tomorow I will quit" I am looking at how will I next further deepen my commitment to breathe only air and not use the other nicotene delivery systems . Even if I do use the patch or gum or lozenge one day I will have to step on to the cold turkey end of this merrigoround too. And I want to go that the whole miserable merrigoround.
And keep my limbs, as well.
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Hi Patricia! Thank you for your comment! I'm glad you took the time to read it. If you're still smoking, I would think that would scare you into quitting! You didn't say if you've actually quit yet this time. I know it's hard, especially after a lot of failures. It's easy to just give up, but I know you want to be an ex, so you just have to get through the first part by grinning and bearing it. It's probably the hardest thing you've ever done in your life, but if you look at it as being sick and just getting through the best way you can, you'll wake up one morning and hardly even think about wanting one. You just have to give yourself the time to get to that point.
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