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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


*I'm so tired*

Ok looking for some chantix advice - today is my first day of not having a ciggarette.......... grrrrrrr, my biggest problem though is not craving or really wanting but I am sooooooo sooooo tired. I had to leave work this morning because I could not keep my eyes open. Is this normal when you don't smoke. Does smoking really wake you up in the morning and get you going. I find that hard to believe but omg I feel like I have narcalepsy..... Any advice or similiar situation??????????????
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12 Replies

Some people tell me smoking wakes them up, it's always made me tired though. Everyone is different I guess. Since you've quit smoking why not give your body a double whammy and start eating healthy too? Definitely helps with energy levels. Now, if you already eat healthy, nevermind 😮
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Weird, I am on day 4 of Chantix and I feel like I have tons of energy! At night I crash, but during the day it seems to give me more energy and focus!

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I am on day 87 and quit cold turkey and still having issues with waking up in the morning. Apparently there were all kinds of “benefits” in the chemicals we were smoking that our bodies were using to get us thru the day.  Just like us our body is having to re-learn everything all over again. 

I also planned my quit around being on vacation as I just didn’t know what to expect. We just need to hang in and have faith that eventually everything will get back to “normal”.


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