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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Cold Turkey Quitters

Ann, I didn't do the tracking. I just quit. I think they help but I wanted to quit when my courage allowed me to quit. If it feels right for you, do the tracking. It might get you to relax and get you used to quitting and it can take some of the fear away. It sure wouldn't hurt to do it. Stay close to this site and focus on the positive. Nancy

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Hi, I'm just writing a little note to say hi. I'm joining this group because Iam going to quit smoking without any help from patches, or gum or anyother kind of drugs. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against someone doing it that way, Ijust don't want to do it that way. I smoked my last cigarette at 8:30 this morning. It is 9:55pm now, so I start, I don't want to get to uppity, Iv'e been her before.
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I quit today and "cold turkey"! If I am going to quit and stay smoke-free....I would rather not use any medications or aides that may have side affects or cause other complications. This is just my personal opinion. I know other people who have quit and used medication and are still smoke-free.
  I do have to admit....I did not realize how much of my day was revolved around smoking. For instance, I always had one with my morning coffee. Every time, I would let the dogs out back, I would go out and light up. There were many other times throughout the day that reminded me that I would not be going outside! Hope this gets easier!
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Almost 20 days behind me and I couldn't feel better about my quit. I like to challenge myself in life, also with my quit. So I went to the casino where my wife works and spent some time there. The smoke was thick, the stench was horrible, I stayed for a couple hours, had a couple beers, left, came home, threw my clothes in the hamper and took a shower. I probably smoked a couple cigs while I was there (second hand), but I never put one up to my lips and the smell kind of made me sick to my stomach. YES... I'M A NON-SMOKER! and I couldn't be happier with myself! 😄
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LOL great story! Remember this feeling!!!!
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Joined today and need to quit. I don't want to be outlived by my dog. Set a date and need as many freinds as possible to get through it. I also feel I need to ween myself away from my freinds because they smoke and dont get what I want to do. I also think they wont be any support for my need to quit. Hope to hear from everyone with advice and help on how to get through the first days. Thanks for your support.
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Hi Jason! Congrats on taking the first positive steps in a new non smoking life. This is a great place for support. I will be going on week 4 next week and doin it Cold Turkey. The best thing I can say right now, is stay positive and focus on why you want to quit and write it down to remind yourself when you feel doubt. Also, before caving to a crave, come on here and talk it out first. Life happens whether we smoke or not. Good luck to you!
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Hi Jason... Welcome! I just need to tell you to stay clear of your smoking friends for a couple of weeks if at all possible. It will really help not to have to smell the smoke. If they really care about you, they'll understand how important it is for you not to smell it at a vulnerable moment. Good luck! I hope you can make it cold turkey. I chose to do it that way because I just didn't want to drag out the hardest part...getting free physically. Then the rest was getting free emotionally, but you can work on that after you've got through the physical cravings. They say it takes 3 days, but I believe for me it was more like 5 days.
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Ok... not a lot of activity on this board. I just want to let visitors know today is my 30th day without a cigarette and I don't regret going cold turkey for one second.
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Hello All, I

  Hello All, I quit cold turkey just before Christmas in 2007. I worked for me.
  it wasn't easy but I did it. I agree with Sylvia: It really helps to stay away
  from the smell and the temptation. You just have to break it off with all the
  smokers who are a part of your day to day life. Talk on the phone if you
  must, but really do your best to get away from the culture. As long as you
  are geographically 10 minutes away from the nearest cigarette, you can
  survive even the strongest craving. Better yet get yourself an hour away
  from the nearest cigarette. Ski, bike, hike or do anything to get free.
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🙂 I quit 10 days back and this has been my story so far .Cold turkey had helped me quit for 3 months last year . But alcohol ruined me last time around...So this time I have been boozing every alternate day , with people who smoke ...though it sounds risky ....but am happy that I wont be making any mistakes anymore
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