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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Cold Turkey Quitters

Ann, I didn't do the tracking. I just quit. I think they help but I wanted to quit when my courage allowed me to quit. If it feels right for you, do the tracking. It might get you to relax and get you used to quitting and it can take some of the fear away. It sure wouldn't hurt to do it. Stay close to this site and focus on the positive. Nancy

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647 Replies

Susan! Congratulations on 56 days! That is awesome! Thank you for sharing your quitting experience. I'm sure it's a help to these new quitters to read that you have had such a positive attitude once you got through the beginning of your quit.
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Let's give Ellen a big hand! Today she finally reached 1 whole year! Way to go, Hon! You've been so strong through all this....the hard beginning, a few times when you weren't sure you'd make it, but you hung in there and now, look at you....a whole year down and another smoke free one coming up! I'm so proud of you!
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Welcome, Jen C! We're so glad you're here! Please take some time to intoduce yourself and let us know how you're doing with your quit.
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Thank you, Sylvia and everyone!!! I have quit MANY times before. Sometimes for years, but most recently I only lasted a few months because I was using nicotine replacement, so when I caved, I was still addicted and to my addict mind, it still tasted good! PLEASE know that all this irritability, grief and sadness WILL pass. The only way out is through!
  I want to make sure I thank Sylvia for her tireless efforts and support on this website. She is here for you all and is a GREAT resource, so make sure you take "advantage" of her!
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Sylvia - it's still hard and I fight the fight every minute of every day. I think somewhere in my head I thought after awhile the cravings would go away but they are still with me. Thirty days was not my magic number. When does it get easier???
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Hi Margie...I'm sure sorry you're having such a hard time! You know, it's different for everyone, I think. For me, I thought about smoking...not really craving all the time, but just on edge for about 3 to 4 months. I hate to tell people that for fear it will discourage them, but at some point...I'm not exactly sure when, I finally started to feel like a normal person again. For months I had a hard time sleeping and had to rely on herbs to get to sleep and even then, it was hard. There's just so many adjustments to make, so everything just goes wacko! Please just be patient and hang in there. One day things will look good to you again and then you'll be soooo...glad you hung in there.
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  Let's welcome another Nancy, Robin and Ed to our little group of quitters here! We'd sure like to hear how you're doing with your quit and help in any way we can.
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To quote a great supporter "You just can't be thinking in the back of your mind, "well, if this doesn't work, I'll just be hooked for life" or "if this doesn't work, I can try again", because then you lose your committment to yourself to do this. You have to say, "I can do this and I will no matter what!" " Thanks so much for all that you do!!!
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Margie and Ellen....You're very welcome! Thank you for cheering me on! It helps me, too, to try to think back how I felt at certain points and to hear all the tales of woe, because it takes me back to when I was there feeling the exact same feelings which makes me that much more determined to never take another puff. It's also a real blessing to be able to help someone get past a hard time.
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Hey Margie, Ellen, and everyone here. I'm 10 days and am grateful for the support from the groups and the wonderful people on this site. I wasn't even serious about my quit, saw a commercial about this site, signed up, received my first welcome from Sylvia, and now I'm quitting or better yet, "quit" smoking. I have quit before with patches and gum, but then couldn't quit those, lol. For me I guess an addiction is an addiction. I decided to go cold turkey this time. I read it would take around 72 hours for the nicotine to leave your body. Nicotine is an alkaloid believe it or not, so to make the first few days go even faster acidic juices are very good, such as cranberry juice. For me, after the first few days, the worst was over. I do have triggers and dodge other smokers, caffeine, alcohol, etc....Luckily, the cravings only come a few times a day and only last at most like 3 minutes. I have a backpack always, lol, with my healthy snacks, toothpicks, sugar free mints - hard candy - gum, sunflower seeds, waters, juices, things to keep my hands busy, etc...Those cravings are insane but I know if I'm prepared - I seem to keep living through them, lol. It's not pleasant, but it certainly isn't life threatening, lol. Simple exercise helps a great deal as well (like walking and deep breaths - like you are already used to from smoking, except now you get the fun endorphins and feel great because your lungs and nerves stop contracting and open up because your not trying to hurt them anymore, lol ) I'm only on day 10, but I can tell it certainly get easier every minute - hour - day. The cravings peak on day three at maybe 10 on that day, then dramatically reduce each day. Today, I had maybe 2 or 3 cravings that lasted no more than 3 minutes each. I'm in Miami and yep - a trigger on every corner. The great thing is once you beat a few cravings a go a couple of days your confidence grows and you begin to welcome these cravings because you know you can beat them w/ease! Just hang in there and stay strong - you got this!
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