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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Cold Turkey Quitters

Ann, I didn't do the tracking. I just quit. I think they help but I wanted to quit when my courage allowed me to quit. If it feels right for you, do the tracking. It might get you to relax and get you used to quitting and it can take some of the fear away. It sure wouldn't hurt to do it. Stay close to this site and focus on the positive. Nancy

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Ahh, false alarm with the sleeping thing...turns out I caught something. So the lack of sleep was just a precurser to the swollen glands, sorre body, fever; apparently I'm sick so I will be on antibiotics for 10 days. I feel like I've smoked 5 packs in one day the way my throat hurts. No flu in 9 years and I quit to be healthy and catch something. Luckily I still don't want to smoke! Silver lining?
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Andrea...I think that's good thinking to move up your quit date. It's best to get through that first week during a time when you don't have to use your brain very much. Besides you'll have that many more days on your counter and a few less days worth of tar and nicotine clogging up your lungs and arteries.
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Robin, I'm sorry you didn't quite make it through that first day! You have to convince yourself that you want that quit more than anything. Try to read more on this site and on The more knowledge that you get into your addicted brain, the easier it is to "want" to quit.
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Hey, guys...I put the directions to put a quit meter on your page in the Discussion Forum above.. were asking about one.
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  Welcome to Cas746! So glad to have you here and I hope to hear how you're doing with your quit! You'll find with a few vitamins and herbs cold turkey isn't so bad. Good Luck!
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Nancy...I can't stay up any longer waiting for you to make it over here, but just wanted to be sure and welcome you! I'm really excited to have you join us! I know you can be a real inspiration to all of us...
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HI Sylvia, I made it! I joined the wrong group, but I am here now. Thanks for the welcome!

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Hello all - just wanted to say hi. I'm almost done with day one of cold turkey! Difficult but not as bad as I had imagined. I've tried the patch 10 times and have always given up. I'm hoping cold turkey and having a support group will make the difference this time. I have always said "I can handle anything for a day" and now I am saying that "I can handle withdrawl for 3 days" It seems that the patch was just dragging out the agony.
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IT'S BEEN ONE MONTH AND I THOUGHT I COULD NOT MAKE IT FOR ONE DAY!! Free and Healing for One Month and 6 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 1 Day and 18 Hours, by avoiding the use of 510 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $134.06.
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Pm Cold turkey DAy problems to report. Day as gone smoothly. Much easier than I thought. The whyquit info was so helpful to get that firm grasp and then I donno, it has been easy really. I am staying quiet and low key today. I have been crying here and there and still not that big a deal. Took a couple naps. Not sleeping well at night at all. Hope tonight some sleep would be good.
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