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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Cold Turkey Quitters

Ann, I didn't do the tracking. I just quit. I think they help but I wanted to quit when my courage allowed me to quit. If it feels right for you, do the tracking. It might get you to relax and get you used to quitting and it can take some of the fear away. It sure wouldn't hurt to do it. Stay close to this site and focus on the positive. Nancy

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647 Replies

  Welcome to Sabrina and RJ! I'm glad you joined this group and I'm looking forward to hearing from you! Please let us know how you're doing with your quit. We're here to help in any way we can. If you have any insights or experiences that you'd like to share, please do. We can use all the help we can get! There's some interesting articles in the "Discussions" up above. Just hit "View All" and you'll see quite a few.
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Jenn! Hey, Girl! You're really doing great at 11 days today! That's wonderful! Would you feel like sharing what you're doing to get through the craves?
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Sylvia - I am glad you asked. Everyone at work thinks I am crazy but I have about 5 large binder clips sitting in front of me at my desk at all times. During the day I keep my hands occupied with those. Night time is tougher though...I have been riding an exercise bike after dinner or reading a book or magazine. Another thing that seems to have helped is sipping on cranberry juice.
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Jenn, thanks for sharing what you're doing to get through those nasty craves! What exactly do you do with the paper clips? Do you just put them together and then take them apart again? Good for you riding your exercise bike! That will sure help with the added pounds that we all seem to accumulate in the first months. Speaking of seems to be a never-ending struggle to keep them off. I did lose all my 8 lbs. that I wanted to lose, but over those 2 trips I went on, I gained back about 4. Now I'm struggling to get those off. I need them off to feel good! With emphysema being overweight seems to make it harder to breathe.
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I just keep the clips in my hand. I know it sounds crazy but it keeps my fingers busy. I gained 5 pounds within 7 days of quiting. I had gum surgery last Friday so I really haven't been able to eat. I know that's a heck of a way to lose my extra pounds but I figured between that and the bike I should be able to keep the weight off...for now anyway!
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Hello Jenn, Do what you need to do with the paper clips. I want everybody to know that not only is weight gain optional, it is in fact not likely. What has happened with me is that as a consequence of not smoking, I have become a much healthier person and what comes with that is exercise. I am 15 pounds LIGHTER than I was when I quit.
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Day 19 and feeling okay wth this, the beginning was the worse part, one slip on the 7th day. I am eating much more than usual, and plan to exercise in the near future, I have a tendency to gain weight.I am just reading Ellen's comments, cannot believe she is 15 lbs lighter, that is great. Cheers, Susan Sweet
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Susan, Welcome to Cold Turkey, Anyone???!!! Well, good for you! 19 days is a terrific start to a whole new life! I just have to tell you in the beginning you can't restrict your food too much or it will just be too hard to make it through the cravings, but like Ellen says, exercise has to be #2 priority....#1 being not smoking. When you're more comfortable being an ex, then worry about losing those few pounds. Of course you don't want to let it get out of hand. Most people gain about 10 lbs. even with exercise, but you CAN get it off when the time is right.
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  Hi Ellen! Wow! That's wonderful actually losing 15 lbs. during your quit! However, you are in the minority. Most quitters use food as a substitute for smoking at first. I say...whatever works. Maybe that's bad, but it worked for me. It was worth it to get past the horrible cravings for cigarettes. Then after I had been quit for 6 mo. I went on a diet. It wasn't too hard because I wasn't fighting the nicodemon all the time. I do walk 3 miles every day and do some other exercises. If I didn't do that, I'd really be fat and like I said earlier, it's always been a constant battle for me, even when I was a smoker. You're very fortunate to have a good metabolism.
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  Hi Tina! Welcome to our little group! I'm so glad you joined! I hope you'll take time to tell us about yourself and at what stage you are in your quit. The Discussion Forum above has quite a few interesting articles. Just click View All to see the rest of them. I do hope to be of help to you.
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