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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Cold Turkey Quitters

Ann, I didn't do the tracking. I just quit. I think they help but I wanted to quit when my courage allowed me to quit. If it feels right for you, do the tracking. It might get you to relax and get you used to quitting and it can take some of the fear away. It sure wouldn't hurt to do it. Stay close to this site and focus on the positive. Nancy

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647 Replies

I have tried everything else to quit smoking. Now, I just have to depend on myself and my faith.
  Tomorrow is the day.
  We shall overcome (the cigarettes, that is).
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eventually you can be back in the garage, just not now. look at it that way. you have to do this for YOU. It will not KILL your relationship, however if you keep smoking it just might kill you! Its not as black and white as you may see it right now. It is very hard to be the one that changes a behavior first. Talk it out and let your fiance know how you feel. It may help him understand, and from understanding they make feel they may make some changes of their own.
  But here's my way of dealing with smokers in my life: a) I'm quite happy to allow them to smoke if they want to, it's their life. b) I do not let them smoke in my home and I don't want to be in an enclosed space with a bunch of smokers no matter what they are doing.
  I like your idea about what else you can do instead of sitting around feeling left out....this is a good start.
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I quit Cold Turkey a year ago so it can be done. Is there anyone else from
  this group who still doesn't smoke ? Happy New Year !
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Hi All,
  I have stopped many times and always cold turkey. I stopped for 6 years, 4 years, 1 year and a few months here and there. This time I stopped on 12/27 for what I believe to be for good. I am standing tall and hope the same for you all as well. WELL...THE COLD TURKEY WAY...!!! HARD THING!!! In my mind the best way as least for me. Here is what goes on for me I would like to hear if I am alone on this or if there are a lot of you going through the same thing. The first day you feel a little dizzy but your in a kind of good mood. The week kind of goes by really slow and you feel very hazy and spacey. Sometime I start to giggle a lot and sometimes I feel like crying. Then it kicks in and I start to feel paranoid!! What the heck is that. You feel like everyone else is nuts and if they would all just be nice or you could just be left alone it would be ok. I get very touchy and feel out of sorts not like myself. BUT what I do like is that I go out get great food to eat healthy smell good and want to get about walking, running yoga. Feels good! You need to do something to take away the strange feelings. Then learn how to deal with your new life. That is something I am still trying to master. Also, for those dealing with bad dreams or not sleeping well that will also pass take a hot bath or tylenol PM for a week it will go away. That's my story and I am hanging in there painfully so but hanging in. LOVE TO ALL!!! JODI
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3 days, 17 hours, 8 minutes, 39 seconds without a cigarette.

  Some musings.......

  In all of the literature read, sites visited, physicians heard I can take away from this that there are some things better left unsaid (maybe). However...

  I have totally been prepared for the screaming "SMOKE A CIGARETTE NOW". I have tracked and written down and pasted sticky notes everywhere to get me through those moments. I feel as if I can be successful against those screamers.

  At this point in time, those moments do not bother me too much. They are the expected guests in this house where I currently reside. The bothersome are not expected and are much quieter; besides being more dangerous and insidious.

  These are the little nigglings in your brain that tell you it would probably be okay now if you just popped into the store and bought some smokes. You are not caving in to a craving--this can't be a craving, it is too quiet. The conversations I am now having are causing me to feel a little as if I were losing my mind (or at least some control over it).

  Thank goodness there is a place to post this stuff. Just having it in my journal doesn't seem powerful enough against the evils of the "brain nigglers".

  Good luck to everyone and thanks for reading.
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Suki! 3 days!!!! Fantastic, Marvelous, BRAVO!
  It does feel like something else has control over your mind, but it does not.
  It is your mind, and you are in control of it! Honest. 🙂
  You're doing great.
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New here I will be quitting cold turkey on monday. I have read some of the stories here. I am so glad that i found this site. I have been looking for people or a site like this for awhile to help me or just sit here and hear what all of you have to say. You learn more when you listen.
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Hello, all! Ellen here, just checking in to say HANG IN THERE!!!! It DOES get easier! There will coma a day when you aren't thinking off those disgusting cancer sticks all day long and you will be FREE!!!!!!!!!!!
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So i was originally going to use teh patch to help me quit as i had a brief sucess with it before but before i put the patch on that night of the first i did some research of my own and decided to do it with no help, just willpower. Its day 6 now and my resolution is still strong, I ahve to admit though he first 3 days were a real test, trying to find new habits and fighting off my triggers. The real thing that bothers me is when i dream i tend to find myself smoking only to wake up shaking in realization that it was in fact not real.
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Hi BluEyzLdy,
  I am a newby too and also have blue eyes (funny). So you hang in there ok. No I have not experienced the smelling of smoke thing. But what I do think it is is this. All of the sudden your nose is getting it's life back and you can actually smell more than ever. For me I love pretty lotion I keep all different kinds on my desk and put it on my hands all all day it's like aroma therapy. It also puts you in a good mood. When I smoked I didn't think I smelled at all but now I can smell everyone who does and it is awful. Your nose is thanking you. And so are your lungs. Good luck and I hope to see you around. All the best Jodi
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