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Dosing cats with Metronidazole?

Anybody had to dose their cat with liquid Metronidazole?  Just did it with one of ours and she foamed at the mouth, fought tooth and nail and it was a lousy experience all the way around.  And I'm supposed to do this for ten days.  OMG!

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29 Replies

No worries Ellen! I'm glad Bijou is still with us. Sometimes we have to put up with unpleasantness with our fur babies but we do it out of love!


I use the towel for personal protection also. If using a syringe, I place it as far back as possible near the cheek and shoot the medicine as far back as possible in the throat. The more they taste the bitterness of the medicine, the more they will foam up. Foaming is rarely an allergic reaction but it is scary to see it.

Best wishes!


Giulia This is a great demo, I used this method, but I also had the 2nd person holding the cat by the scruff of the neck and that helped immobilize my cat as well. When my helper was not around I did burrito wrap my cat and had him on a table that was high enough so I could hold him in the towel under one arm, next to my body then I could hold his head-ears back and put the syringe in the side of his mouth. Don't worry by day 10 you will have it worked out 


Giulia‌  Sorry G----I never could get anything in my cats that they didn't want. Thankfully, they led long healthy lives un-medicated. Get a beagle------they will literally eat anything. 


I've looked at  at least  20 videos on how to do this.  I know how to hold the head.  I know how to scruff.  The cat burrito only works if the cat isn't already fighting.  Later (for dose number 2), I'm going to try a pillow case.  

It's now later.  Pillowcase definitely works better.  (IF you have someone to help hold it open as you drop the cat into it.)  I also learned to put the liquid more toward the back of the throat so the taste buds at the front of the tongue (which are more sensitive), aren't as involved.  Squirted it down in one gulp, no foaming.  Kimshine - yes you're right, shoot it as far back as possible.  So dose number 2 was easier than dose number 1.  (Well, original dose number 1 when husband wasn't here to help just went all over me and the floor and the cat, but not DOWN the gullet!  lol)  

Also took a suggestion off one video to squirt a treat of some kind after.  I went and bought some human tuna (cheapest I could find in water - which is only 10 or 15 cents more per can than catfood).  Neither of my cats seem too interested in wet cat food, except the first couple of times.  I've tried just about everything and they like it for half a day, then turn their noses up and scratch at it like it's poop that needs to be buried.  And the cat treats are good, but in this case I wanted more of an incentive and something to help take that nasty taste out of her mouth.  I've never found a cat that doesn't like the tuna water squeezed out of a can of tuna for humans.  So right after I squirted the medicine, I squired a bit of the tuna juice with another syringe.  We all liked the experience a whole lot better!  lol

Of course tomorrow is another day.  Oy!  And then in a week I have to give our other cat a hefty worming pill.  I mean this thing is as large as a human pill.  (I don't get it - couldn't they make them smaller for smaller gullets????)  Another learning experience.  Can't wait!

Appreciate all your help and support!  (and thanks for that link missellen - definitely something to look into.  Assuming pilling a cat is actually easier.)  As with anything, it takes practice and perseverance!


Hey Giulia of course I am no help as I don't have a cat.  I have to fight my dogs to get down their humongous heart worm pills.  Glad to here the 2nd dose went better. Hope tomorrow  he or she will cooperate more.

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I had forgotten about these instructions when I first read your blog.  You will need to substitute liquid every time it says "pill," but I think it is worth your while.

I loved it - hope you do, too!

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What instructions?  Love what?  YoungAtHeart

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