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Music to my ears

It was a good day today! I FINALLY was able to get all the guitars and stuff hung today. Ready for some friends to stop by and jam  It took all afternoon to get these things hung up. I like having them out where I can see them because I am more likely to not just walk by, but to practice a few minutes as well plus I think its good for them to be out of their cases and breathing fresh air  Kinda like me since I quit smoking!

The Mandolin above pictured , was my grandfathers. Its an old 'A' from 1907 !!! My mother had it all these years and never told me until a few years ago when she gave it to me. She has stored it in its original case ( yes I still have it ) inside a garment bag! When she took it out I nearly fell over seeing it is a Gibson! Not only that but its in excellent condition and it was still nearly in tune. I was shocked! I have replace strings since, but wow. What a gift!

Any other strummers out there???

Heres my current stash, oh yeah....exercise area as well... lol :


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21 Replies

Noooooo musical talent whatsoever! I’ve always wanted to learn to play the guitar. I briefly tried but it hurt my fingers. That is so cool you have your grandfathers mandolin from 1907! That’s awesome! I think you need to put a video up of you playing.


Tip: Learn on a guitar that has a narrow neck and have the bridge lowered....and use nylon strings

All my guitars have lowered bridge....most have narrower neck. Makes easier to get fingers around and play


Im getting some tomorrow!!!!!! cool! I was worried it would dull the sound on the mando

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You are one amazing lady!


Oh yes, you are blessed and highly favored.  Takes my breath away thinking about it.  So happy for you that you can live the life you love. 


Yep, I was thinking the same thing. (video)


Dale's video moved me on to this one:  Tenpenny bit played thumb style on a carbon string mandolin. - YouTube   And I became curious as to that little baby mandolin on the floor underneath all the others.  What's it's story?  AND, I didn't know you could get a stand for your regular road bike and use it as an exercise bike in the winter when you can't go out.  What is that stand???

Hope someone tapes your "session."  We'd love to be a fly on your wall!  Just set up a video camera on a tripod and press play.  I think we'd all here have as much of a blast sharing it as you will when you're jamming!  Just a thought.


Missy, my son would go banana balls if he saw all of those guitars.  I bought him several on birthdays.  The look great.  So happy your happy


I have mother in law staying here, long day, very tired 

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