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Why is it recommended to stop drinking alcohol when trying to stop smoking or vaping?

Mayo Clinic
14 24 1,003

Photo by Natalie Parham on Unsplash

There are several reasons why stopping alcohol use at the same time as tobacco cessation can be beneficial, even if you are not an alcoholic. 

Alcohol and tobacco use are linked behaviors.  Data consistently demonstrates that alcohol consumption may precipitate smoking relapse. This has been shown in several studies in which alcohol consumption increased the risk of smoking relapse, compared with situations in which the smoker was tempted but did not relapse.

There are several different factors regarding alcohol consumption to consider when trying to stop smoking, such as cue conditioning or “triggers”, reduced inhibition, and neurobiologic factors.   

Triggers- Our dopamine reward system is very engrained with memory cells that are triggered by feelings, situations, senses, times of the day, etc.  Here are some questions to consider as you plan to manage potential triggers:

  • What kinds of situational or mental triggers might affect your smoking or vaping cessation efforts? 
  • How do you handle it when you are around other people who are smoking or vaping?
  • Are you especially triggered in certain places such as at a bar?
  • Do you associate a cigarette or vape with having a drink? 
  • Do you associate drinking and smoking with relaxation?

Reduced inhibitions- Alcohol consumption reduces inhibitions.  If you are trying to quit smoking, reduced inhibitions increases the risk of a smoking relapse. Once you've had a couple of drinks, it may not feel important to stay true to your smoking cessation.

Neurobiological Factors- Alcohol and Nicotine used in tandem can increase and prolong effects of the dopamine reward system.  In essence, cravings for cigarettes can increase when using alcohol, and vice versa.   

At the end of the day, you are the only one who can make the decision about drinking while quitting smoking.  One of the biggest factors for relapse is when people stop listening to their cues, push past them, and ignore the warning signs.

Molly Leis, MS, LADC, LPCC
NDC Counselor/CTTS

About the Author
The Nicotine Dependence Center at Mayo Clinic has been home to physicians, nurse practitioners, Master’s / PhD level counselors, trained TTS’, and amazing office staff for a total of 30 years, all working together to treat individuals who struggle with tobacco use. Counselors meet with an individual to develop their own personalized plan, discuss coping strategies, and provide ongoing support along the journey towards a tobacco-free life. As part of the process, counselors work with physicians and nurse practitioners to provide nicotine replacements and other medications for smoking cessation as needed. We are happy to be involved with the EX Community and we hope our experiences and expertise can help in your journey towards a tobacco-free life. View the link in our signature to see our individual Biographies.