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Valentines Day - The Gift of Being Tobacco-Free

Mayo Clinic
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There is an old commercial that aired back in the late 1960’s when public health messages about tobacco were permitted on television that said – “When she reaches for a smoke, give her a kiss instead”.  What a wonderful message to bring into Valentines Day this year.  If you love someone who smokes, let them know that you love them, that you want them around and healthy, and that you would love it if they made another effort to stop smoking.  Tell them that now there is more help available then ever, and that another try with the right plan and treatment will help them succeed.  And, give them a kiss.

If you are a smoker, you can give your special someone the gift of going smoke-free.  That is not only a gift from your heart, but a gift for your heart.  Each time you make the effort to stop smoking the chances for success increase.  That’s because we learn from each effort.  Look into getting treatment that will work for you, sign-up for your free EX plan on and make a full scale plan to succeed.  Then let your loved one know that your gift to them is a healthy heart and a smoke-free future.  You might also want to give a card or some chocolates but for those of you who may be thrifty, think of all the money you’ll save through this gift.

A rewrite of a line from that old Sting song might say “If you love someone go smoke-free”.

Dr. Richard D. Hurt is an internationally recognized expert on tobacco dependence. A native of Murray, Kentucky, he joined Mayo Clinic in 1976 and is now a Professor of Medicine at its College of Medicine. In 1988, he founded the Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center and since then its staff has treated over 33,000 patients for tobacco dependence. Send your questions directly to Dr. Hurt at


I think that quitting smoking is alot like getting a divorce. Eventually you have to stop running back to your EX and the  familiarities if you plan on moving on in life.


I've been smoke-free for one hour and seventeen minutes (don't laugh! I'm a CHAIN SMOKER). I'm using the Nicotine patch; even with it, it's still hard, I always have a cigarette lit whether I'm inhaling or not. I've wanted to quit for a very long time now, and my boyfriend isn't a smoker and has pleaded with me to quit, so this is part of my valentine's day gift to him (and myself!!) -- hopefully I succeed (:


I am giving myself an Valentine gift today-an I am going to quit!  (For me, not anyone else.)  I did quit in 1989 for 13 years, and then started at a party in when we were drinking!  I have been sorry ever since.  My husband is a heavy smoker and it will make it hard, i don't think he will ever quit ,I don't think he wants to. 


I, too, am quitting today.  I'm doing it for me, for my two teenage daughters, and for my non-smoking boyfriend....what better day to start!  We CAN do this!!


I kept my promise and gave my husband a healthy heart this Valentine's Day!

31 days smoke free today! He is so proud of me!!!!!


I am very proud of myself that I have taken the first step and registered!  There are so many positive posts on here.  This will be my ***$@#@ bazillionith time trying to stop smoking and hopefully the last. 


My wife and I have been falling on and off the wagon for the last week. We're still trying. I am going to try the patch.We take GABA for the stress and have been chewing the gum til our gums are wore out. We want to do this because we are so tired of the cost both financial and healthwise. We'll keep trying and trying till it's done. this is the year I want to do it right. I have tried several times adn failed and felt extremely depressed about losing the fight but this time I feel ok. When I fall I get back up!

Thanks for all the info here!


Within 40-something hours I have smoked 4 drags and eaten 2 boxes of girl scout cookies.  I feel discouraged but am convinced to try harder.   I guess my true quit day started 5 hours ago-yeay...Thanks for your examples and your guidance.


To all of you, I know that you all can quit smoking. Yes, it is hard to quit and I know that it is hard when you are living with a smoker. But you all can do it. I'm glad that I quit smoking and I don't want cigarettes inside of my body anymore. I have been quit for over a month now and I feel great. I know that you all can do it. The way that I have quit was with the patch and the Lozenges. Prayer also helped. whenever I get the urge to smoke I would either use Lozenges, drink water or I would use the straws. I would also pray about it. And all of those have worked for me.

About the Author
Retired in 2014. Dr. Richard D. Hurt is an internationally recognized expert on tobacco dependence. A native of Murray, Kentucky, he joined Mayo Clinic in 1976 and is now a Professor of Medicine at its College of Medicine. In 1988, he founded the Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center and since then its staff has treated more than 50,000 patients for tobacco dependence.