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It is time to stop putting Menthol in cigarettes

Mayo Clinic
0 18 938

More than 40% of smokers under the age of 18 smoke menthol cigarettes. The FDA has concluded that although menthol itself does not cause disease, it makes cigarettes more palatable.  Thus, menthol in cigarettes posed a public health risk.  The FDA is currently considering regulating menthol in cigarettes.  So, why all the “fuss” about menthol cigarettes?  What concerns are there about these tobacco products?  Let’s just consider a few facts about these products.


39% of menthol smokers reported they would quit smoking if menthol cigarettes were banned.  Prevalence of menthol cigarette smokers is higher among African-Americans, younger, and female smokers.  African American smokers favor mentholated cigarettes by a 3-fold margin.  Menthol cigarette smokers had significantly lower odds of stopping smoking than non-menthol users. 


Menthol cigarette use was associated with increased concentration of blood cadmium (a carcinogen) and higher levels of Carbon Monoxide with having smoked fewer cigarettes.  Women who smoked menthol cigarettes showed signs of greater tobacco dependence than non-menthol smokers.  Young people who first tried menthol cigarettes are at greater risk of progression to regular smoking and tobacco dependence. 


Tobacco companies continue to perform active research to identify the product that would be least “irritating” to the throat and most addictive to promote lifelong use of their product.  Menthol cigarettes are a “perfect” fit.  They entice people to smoke and keep people smoking cigarettes – the only product that will kill more than 60% of its consumers

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I smoked menthol cigarettes my entire 40 years of smoking.


Me too.


That is really alarming.  I did not smoke menthols, I remember people offering them to me if I had a cold or sore throat though...yeah, that would really help!


I now  have even a lower opinion of the tobacco companies. That is sickening.  Oh the almighty dollar.


I've long realized that menthol is put in cigarettes to make them less irritating, both to the throat and to your taste. Let's face it - the first time any of us ever smoked, it tasted bad. We had to get use to it. Menthol was an easy way to get use to it. I smoked menthol when I was young - it is a good way to get young people addicted. I smoked them for about 4-5 years, then switched to regular, even got to the point I couldn't stand menthol.

I recollect when the FDA first took over monitoring the tobacco industry, there was talk of doing away with it then. I know other flavors were done away with, but not menthol. I agree, it shouldn't be allowed. Perhaps less people would get addicted then.


Interesting.  I wonder if it's the menthol or the first cigarette we ever smoked that dictated our proclivilance (no such word), proclivity? to what we ended up being addicted to.  I surmise that it's that first, or those first cigarettes that were our induction into the addiction.  My mother smoked non menthol.  I stole a pack of her cigarettes at age five (I think it was) and smoked one.  Made me sick, of course.  But then at the age of 19? 20? or so my next taste of a cigarette was also non menthol.  So, though I'm a woman, I don't fall into that statistic you mentioned above.  Hmmm.  This prompts to put out a poll on the site to see what others' proclivities are.  


I was always afraid to smoke Menthol's , I was always told that it would make my lungs more vulnerable to pneumonia.   I know I'm still early in my quit, but I just wish and pray that cigarettes (nicotine too) will one day be illegal!  To think a product that kills so many people is still legal, that is just asinine! 


You bring up an interesting point. The very first cigarettes I ever smoked were Marlboro reds (of course!), cause they were the cool thing to smoke! Very harsh, though. But that was when I was just experimenting (maybe a few a week). So if menthols hadn't been around... I would have still smoked. (unfortunately)


I started with Marlboro reds.

Nicotine is a very assinine addiction. Once addicted I found I would smoke any of it including the little cigar/cigarettes, and it's still true since I threw away my quit and stopped being true to myself. I will smoke ANYTHING with nicotine in it to get the fix. I hate smoking! I am not having a problem stopping it's staying stopped, that I am not doing!  

I do not buy anything but regular tobacco but if caught without it I will do anything except vape to get the fix.  ~Terrie~


Terrie...I did not realize that you are smoking at this time


according to this Post !! Is this true? 😱 My problem

has been the

STAYING QUIT, also!! However, This Time I Must NOT RELAPSE

as I

only have 42% of Lungs left (both lower loves) !!!



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putting Menthol in cigarettes"

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I was a menthol smoker my whole life I did not like the taste of non-menthol cigarettes.   


I was a menthol smoker too for all my smoking years. Thankfully I beats the odds and quit smoking.


Hang in there! You can do this! I will be back, to join you soon!


Link to the Poll I put up:     


Interesting, information.


Well Dr. Hays, all I can say is that I always smoked menthol cigarettes but once addicted, your going to smoke whatever you can get your hands on.  The Vape Cigs come in every flavor imaginable and millions are smoking those.  How can you outlaw menthol or any other cigarettes?  Unfortunately people will find a way to have what they want.  It would be wonderful if we could find a way to convince smokers how horrible it is for you and how wonderful it is to quit.  If I had a magic wand!!!  Laura 


I started out (age 13) smoking menthol, but soon switched to Marlboro Reds.  Smoked non-mentholated my whole life, 40 some years.  I hate smoking.  Been quit only one day, but determined to stay quit this time.   I'm using the patch and Chantix at the same time.  Perhaps this will be the ticket that works for me.


livingspirit‌ Welcome to EX, I smoked for 47 years and, like you, I hated it.  I quit over three years ago.  I had more than one failed quit but this site saved my life.  The most important thing for me was education...the more I learned about nicotine addiction, the stronger my quit became.  I stayed very close to the site, still do as a matter of fact.  I did all of the reading that was suggested...I blogged, I commented on blogs, I asked questions, I LISTENED to the answers.  The members of this site become like family, NOPE was my favorite mantra, Not One Puff Ever.  There were many more sayings that I learned and the support I got was and IS beyond anything I could have imagined.  We are here for you...please stay close, read, comment, ask for help.


About the Author
An expert in tobacco use and dependence, Dr. Hays has authored and co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed scholarly articles and book chapters on various aspects tobacco dependence and its treatment. Since joining the Nicotine Dependence Center in 1992, he and its staff have treated more than 50,000 patients for tobacco dependence.