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Coping with an Increased Appetite when Quitting Tobacco

Mayo Clinic
3 12 672


For many people, the journey to a tobacco free lifestyle can also include the added stress of an increased appetite and the feeling of constantly being hungry. Coping with an increased appetite without a proper plan to navigate the hunger can be challenging. The behavioral substitute of reaching for food instead of a cigarette, cigar, pipe, or vaping device is common when trying to quit.

Some ways to mitigate the hunger and keep off those additional pounds can include such things as planning meals ahead of time, having healthier food options easily within reach, and practicing both mindfulness when eating as well as compassion towards oneself as you begin this journey.

Planning meals ahead of time:

It difficult to regulate intake of food when you are hungry because hunger lowers impulse control. Planning helps avoid eating larger portions/meals that aren’t nutritious and filling, as often our eyes can be bigger than our stomachs when we get hungry. If there are food items that you are consciously trying not to eat too much of, or even avoid, this only becomes harder to do when you find yourself hungry. Planning can be as easy as shopping for several healthy food options and having them available and ready to eat around the house, at work, or in the car.

Healthy is key here:

It is important that the meals you plan for are nutrient dense and filling so that you satisfy your hunger. For example: substitute a protein bar for a bag of chips, or a couple of boiled eggs for that bowl of pretzels. Healthier options also means portion control. For example: if you know you tend to eat a whole bag of chips when you are hungry, then break the bag down into smaller portion sizes beforehand and limit yourself to just that one portion size for that day or meal.

Practicing mindfulness:

Avoid multitasking while eating such as watching television, driving, or working, as this makes it easier to eat larger portion sizes; and often leads to not really feeling satisfied. Multitasking while eating can lend itself to overindulging without your realizing it, because it becomes automatic to reach for and grab the next bite of food until there is none left. Being mindful when eating involves looking at our food while eating it, paying closer attention to each bite, and thoroughly chewing the food before swallowing. This practice helps us to slow down and gives the body time to send us the signals that we are truly full.

Compassion towards oneself:

Changing habits that have become very ingrained over the years takes both time and compassion towards oneself, as it is a process. A process that requires patience because habits aren’t made, or broken, overnight. Making any lifestyle change also requires kindness towards oneself and acknowledgement that we are all human and thus prone to making mistakes. What is important is that we recognize that mistake (whether it be a relapse to tobacco use or binge eating your favorite snack) and learn from it, rather than using it to be even harder on ourselves.

Are you concerned about an increased appetite after quitting tobacco? And if so, are there changes you have found helpful to keep you from eating more?

Dhivyaa Manickam, M. A.
Counselor / CTTS

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About the Author
The Nicotine Dependence Center at Mayo Clinic has been home to physicians, nurse practitioners, Master’s / PhD level counselors, trained TTS’, and amazing office staff for a total of 30 years, all working together to treat individuals who struggle with tobacco use. Counselors meet with an individual to develop their own personalized plan, discuss coping strategies, and provide ongoing support along the journey towards a tobacco-free life. As part of the process, counselors work with physicians and nurse practitioners to provide nicotine replacements and other medications for smoking cessation as needed. We are happy to be involved with the EX Community and we hope our experiences and expertise can help in your journey towards a tobacco-free life. View the link in our signature to see our individual Biographies.