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Connect with others living with health conditions

What is DLCO?

DLCO(diffusing capacity of carbon monoxide) is a test that your pulmonologist might order along with your pft. The test is called an abg (arterial blood gas test.) It literally measures the degree you personally are suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. If you have COPD, you have CO poisoning separate from lung capacity.

Knowledge is power and knowing this information can lead to healthier choices in home hygiene, diet, exercise,...even medicine.

Do you know your DLCO? Your general practitioner may not be aware of it's importance and thus, dismiss symptoms and flare-ups, prescribe incorrect medicines, give unhelpful advice. GPs famously do not understand COPD very well. That's why it's up to you and me. Know your enemy - knowledge is power!


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7 Respuestas

I have never heard of this Thomas...Thank you for sharing...~ Colleen 239 DOF 

0 Kudos

You are such  fountain of knowledge, Thomas.  Thank you for sharing it with us.



WOW Thomas, thank you.....

0 Kudos

Thanks for this, Thomas.  My pulmonologist left the area and I will be seeing a different one the next time I have an appointment.  I will ask him about doing ABG's.  I had them years ago when I had a clot in my leg but no one has suggested one since I have been diagnosed with COPD...seems odd.


I had to request one from my primary Dr when I was first diagnosed. I told him I wanted "a baseline" and he agreed.


I see my new pulmonologist in October, seems a little late for a "baseline" but I will ask him to order it then.  My PCP would have to send me to our local hospital and I really do not have any confidence in the skills of their staff there, the pulmonologist is 45 miles from here and associated with a much more advanced health system. I will ask to have it done...can't say I am looking forward to it...last one I had was pretty uncomfortable.



Amen- thanks for sharing -  self educated person - is the key for EACH individual - gentle hug❤