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What Do I Do With My Dreams....

I woke up from a very vivid and real nightmare this morning. It is now 4:19 am and I've been up since 3 am. I really hate these vivid dreams, which I have without the patch, because a side effect from the patch can be vivid dreams. They say to not use the patch at night if you have these type of dreams, but my weakest hour is when I first wake up. And I'm always up before 5 am. Having BP and going into mania is not fun. I'm so used to calming myself from my dreams with a cigarette and now that I don't WANT one, My mind is telling me JUST ONE! This is the first day that I have felt this since I quit. The first couple of days I didn't really have a craving for the nicotine, is was having the damn stick in my hand that drove me nuts. Now I have replaced that feeling with typing, as you can tell I don't think I've made a point in all this rubbish yet, but I do feel better. Thanks for letting me ramble on and on. But I would like to know how you handle Deja Vu dreams? That is what they are for me, it's like watching a movie for me and I don't like that. I need the patch for my morning cravings. So I'm in a bind here, any advice would be greatly helpful to me! I wish everyone a Great Smoke Free Day =0) SmileyFace Anna
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9 Replies

I had one of those this morning. With music playing in the background, DuranDuran, Save a Prayer.

I can still remember parts of it. It was weird. It was like martgra with costumes and faces and my first boyfriend was in the crowd. Almost didn't hear the alarm..

Hang on to your quit with both hands.
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Anna, I have bipolar to and yes it is diffulcult at times and I don't have dreams like your talking about I seldom dream let alone bad dreams. Yes the mornings can be a little diffilcult but there is way around that is to picture yourself in a place where you have piece of mind and then imagain that in your mind that should help some I hope so. I'm Kathleen and I to am up early in the mornings so if you ever want just to talk let me know alright. I usually get up around midnight so let me know if my suggestion works too.I do'nt take chantex for that reason or the pactures I'm uauing the Zyban and that seems to be working for me.

Kathleen Tinder
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I totally have vivid dreams with my bp, too, and it's one of the things that has messed up my quit attempts in the past. Good job avoiding the patch at night, that's a good step. My pdoc suggested using the nicotine gum just in the morning while the patch is taking effect. That might be something to try...
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I've been doing better till this morning, the patch lasts up to 8 hours in your system after you take it off, my dreams come and go so often that I don't remember half of them, but the ones I do, UGH LOL

Just using the patches has been good for me, I'm on day 10-3 hours and some odd numbers! LOL

Have a Wonderful Smoke Free Day

A =0)
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im so glad to hear you're having a good experience with the patches--they are my go-to method if i cant manage well with gum (in a pinch). i'd really be interested in whether they are causing the dreaming or if the dreaming slows down or whatever. 10+ days--awesome!!!
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I've always had vivid dreams, even as a young tike, so sleeping with the patch on is not that big a deal to me anymore, It was the content in the dreams that really bothered me more than anything, but I have 14 days now and feel great! I would recommend the patch for you if the gum is not enough for you. Just remember, don't chew the gum like regular gum! Read the directions closely to get the best effect from it!

I wish you all the success in your quit!

Big Huggles,
A =0)
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Vivid dreams & deja vu are my life. Sometimes they are so real, they freak me out and I have to go out on the deck for a smoke to calm my nerves down at 3am. (My quit date is set for March 1 and I'm working on a plan for that.) What I hate worst is the repetitive dreams. The same thing over and over and it very progresses past the same point. Wish I understood it, but I just wanted to let you know you're not the only one.

Hang on to your quit!

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How do you know the patch isn't amplifying the dreams?

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