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Mental Health Support

Linda, first of all... Congratulations! You're doing great for yourself and I hope that the road is smooth from here on out with only minor bumps along the way. I'm hoping that after a while we'll be able to walk past people smoking and turn around the 'if only I could' attitude into a 'if only I could help them like so many had helped me'. Oh, and lest I forget.... I wanted to tell you... 'mentally challenged', though very PC isn't as fun as how I like to consider phrasing it... try 'social underdogs'... everyone loves an underdog and it makes people smile! (Admit it... you just smiled... at least a little bit) 😃
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Hi All!!  I have general anxiety disorder and panic attacks.  I am quitting because my health is failing and I just think it is time after 30 yrs.  I hope I can find friends here to help and I will try to help them.


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Taking any kind of quit smoking aids is out of the question for me. I am Bipolar I, mixed episodes with panic and anxiety attacks. I am diabetic, plus some of the helath issues that go along with that. I take depakote, buspar and wellbutrin for my bipolar.   doctor says no OTC or Rx- I take 8 Rx's a day as it is and have for years. I agree with my doctor and my psychiatrist. No more drugs, etc at this time. I think the tracker and quit date will be all the help for now. Wish me luck. Kelti.....quit date 2 - 28 - 2011. about a month.
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What is the point for foul language of any kind on here?  If we feel we cannot benefit from this bipolar section of the site, there are plenty of others to choose .
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i to haven't gotten a date set for quitting. i do suffer from panic disorder i have been seeing a psy. dr. for it. i hope to set a date but i have a broken wrist so i'm waiting to see a surgion and go from there.

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hello quit date is feb.25 2012.i have used smoking to help regulate my moods for most of my life.I'm feeling an extreme sense of dread about quitting.I'm trying to put together a quitting team and a quit plan.

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Maybe this is the group for me. I suffer from anxiety and social anxiety, which makes it difficult to go any where.  I am 62, have smoked for a long time and hope this is what I need to quit.  I also have copd and think that this may be my last chance.

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I have not been tested yet due to finances, but I stongly suspect that I have ADHD and have smoked for many years.  I have found that smoking helps me focus and will keep me awake when I need to be.  Focusing and staying awake when things are not interesting are somethings that ADHD have to deal with.  Smoking has always helped me with those things.  I just need to learn how to do those things without a cigerette. 

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I am adult ADHD and have been smoking for years... I have stopped several times and can do it until I get into a majorly stressful situation... When that happens and panic sets in well, there it goes.... So this time I just quit literally like started nicotine gum 20 minutes ago.  This time is going to be different.  I dont know ifyou believe in God.  I do.  I dont always include him in my plans.  This time though I have been reading this book "The Circle Maker"... I am not trying to sell you on this... I am letting you know what I am planning.  This book is about praying circles around your dreams and ambitions... It talks about fasting in Gods name.  Fasting doesnt have to be food related.  It can be media, addiction, sleeping, lazyness related.  I told god yesterday that I was buying one more pack and that would be my last pack.  Weird to say it out loud like that... Seems cliche in a way.  BUT for me its important.  I want several things in life and am sure that God will provide me with whatever, whenever he sees fit.  If I can do something for him to show my appreciation on what he has already given me in life (including the bad for life learning oportunity), and appreciation for what he holds for me in the future, then I will.  So for God I will fast on cigarettes.  I may fall we all fall sometimes but, its important to me to prove that no matter what my brain is telling me, my appreciation for God is way more.  If you are a christian you may enjoy reading "the circle maker" and maybe start a little thought/prayer journal as a commitment to yourself.  I hope this didnt get too preachy and put you off.  I have just recently started paying attention and finding more than enough to be thankful for in life... AND I will be thankful when the cravings etc.  cease... AND BE CREATIVE with the energy I will get from not being "medicated" with cigarettes for my ADHD....LOL because Life is about enjoying it, and if your not enjoying it and feel like you have to smoke in order to sustain a certain amount of time in one place... WELL maybe you should follow the instinct to go and not stay.  Who knows there is a whole world out there to discover... I will say a prayer for you now, and would love you to say one for me as well.... You can friend me if you would like.  We can be ADHD quiters at the same time... If you have started smoking already then, Stop again... I am just quiting myself... Lets see what creative things we can manage to accomplish with out getting the downers in our systems... Perhaps we can discover a break through of sorts... LOL

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I am ADHD and a smoker for 18 years. I am on medication for it and several other diagnosis. I have found smoking to be  a calmer for me. I am awful restless and go outside to smoke for fresh air and the outdoor elements. This Friday is my quit day and I have read and read and read plus listened to others. I have no family near me (not that they would be supportive) so I rely heavily on this website. 

I was diagnosed later in life because my parents did not believe in the "psychiatric" setting. I find myself more towards the hyper end. You may be just ADD-I do not know. All I know is I get racing thoughts, restlessness, hyperactivity, and irrational thinking when I am off my meds. Sadly, cigs have been my crutch when I am not doing outdoor things. I have had to re-learn a lot of triggers although I was not a chain smoker. good luck to you all in this group

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Hi guys I have bipolar NOS/Borderline Personality disorder and today is day 1 with my quit.  I AM SCARED TO DEATH ON A RELAPSE!  I know it won't always happen though, it's just what has stopped me in recent quits.

Money is a big thing on treatments....right now not on any treatments at all but for a good 2 years I was on lexapro/seroquel.  I hate seroquel with the 10-15 hour sleep but I took it.

I called the free clinic and they don't do mental health! Can you believe that!  I called the mental health center and they said I would have to come in fill out a little sliding scale fee thing and within 2-4 weeks I should hear back from them on weither or not I MAY get a discount on appointments.  Even at that we'll still be paying almost 100 dollars per appointment and lexapro/seroquel IS NOT cheap not even the generic.  

I just hope that quitting smoking can help with my mental illness, I really do because since I can't go to a doctor right now I might as well get healthier to prevent other stuff.

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