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Guilt and Regret

I, like so many of us who have severe COPD, am often filled with guilt and regret for smoking. But this regret and dread just adds to my suffering often leaving me in a state of anxiety and depression. Today I came across this article I want to share with you. Yes, we smoked. But that is not the end all of the story. Here you can see that some of us are predisposed for lung disease. I didn't know this and it has helped me to have more Self Compassion and understanding of how I got this awful disease and how I can be kind to myself for smoking without knowing the rest of the story...

If Smoking Results in COPD, Why Hasn't the Incidence Gone Down? | American Council on Science and He... 

Now, this isn't an excuse but it is a reason - and I did quit smoking just 6 days after diagnosis. I wish I had never smoked but I did. I wish I had never got COPD but I did. Now, I just have to make the best of my Life Quality that I can. I hope I can bring some comfort to others who suffer from COPD - remember, You did quit! That's Self Care!

Live Long and Prosper!

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12 Replies

I think it's part of the human condition to feel regret and beat ourselves up over past mistakes and errors in judgments and behaviors...etc.  And we are excruciatingly human, aren't we?

But going down that path leads to nothing good.  Negative snowballing into depression, anxiety, self-loathing.  And you, Thomas, you deserve so much better than that.  God wants so much better for you.  And we know better.  We see your heart and your spirit and your generosity.  Please remember to not believe everything you think.  


and wallowing is just so - ungraceful!


Dear Thomas3.20.2010‌ ~

As columnist Erma Bombeck once said "‘Guilt is the gift that keeps on giving' " 

I identify with you in your struggle with the cycle of regret and guilt, yet know I always feel so much better when I can climb up out of that muck. I gain incentive and help to do this from reading (and from my faith, I might add).

I found what appears to be a very good article from Psychology Today which might be helpful to you. Granted, it was written eight years ago, but appears to be based on the solid ground of social science. 

Escape the Guilt Trap | Psychology Today 

Hope it helps! ~ Suzy