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Nearly 15 percent, or about one out of seven, middle-aged and older U.S. adults suffer from lung disorders such as asthma and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), health officials said Tuesday.

While 10 percent of those people experience mild breathing problems, more than one-third of them report moderate or severe respiratory symptoms, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported.

One out of 10 of our own Community has been diagnosed with COPD while another one out of ten also has COPD but doesn’t even know it!

.What is COPD?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a combination of lung illnesses including but not limited to asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema - the most common smoking related combination. COPD is a progressive, debilitating disease without a cure.


About 85 percent of COPD cases are related to smoking, although sometimes asthma progresses to COPD. The majority of COPD can be prevented by not smoking.


Quitting smoking is the single most efficient and effective treatment for COPD and the only treatment known to prolong life.


 Some of the most common symptoms you may notice in yourself or others are frequent shortness of breath, chronic cough, wheezing and excessive phlegm production.


 Take a look at things you do every day - like going up and down the steps, walking to the mail box, or shopping. Are these things more difficult than they used to be because you find yourself having to catch your breath? This could be COPD.


 You may be like me and say, "Oh, that's just a little smoker's cough!" or "Yea, I'm getting older and slowing down! Sometimes I just go too fast for my own good!"


 Keep in mind that sickerettes have ingredients purposely added to their products to hide the "smoker's cough!" That's why when you quit smoking, you often cough more than ever before for the first few weeks or longer! A lingering cough well after quitting smoking should definitely be checked out! In fact, ALL smokers and EXers should be tested for COPD! [especially minorities, women and young people!] The youngest person I've known (online) was Stage III at 22 years old!!!!


When you go to your doctor, tell him/her that you want a Spirometry Test! Do not take no for an answer! A Spirometry Test is a simple non-invasive breathing test that is a good diagnostic tool for COPD. The equipment most likely is sitting right there in your doctor's office. The test is very affordable and the results are instantaneous! 


It's important that a person who has COPD get diagnosed early because they will then have many more options for protecting their lungs and health and with lifestyle adjustments living a long, full, quality life!

 I can tell you from EXperience that even Stage II lifestyle can either be debilitating or completely normal depending on the decisions that a patient makes! But at least you have a choice!!!! 


IF YOU ARE QUIT - PROTECT YOUR QUIT as if your LIFE depends on it ....




SOURCES: Timothy Tilert, B.S., data analyst, National Center for Health Statistics, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Norman Edelman, M.D., senior medical advisor, American Lung Association; Jan. 6, 2015, report, Lung Obstruction Among Adults Aged 40-79: United States, 2007-2012

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8 Replies

Breathless takes on a whole new meaning when you are trying to walk up a slight incline and can't make it or you go up 10-15 stairs and HAVE to stop and try to breathe.  Breathless is a horrible thing when you experience it every single day of your life and sometimes in the middle of the night. is absolutely terrifying.  Nearly impossible to relax when you cannot take a breath to do that.  I get so angry with myself for what I have done TO myself.  I know that I have to forgive the old me to seriously embrace and support the new one.

Thank you for being here and for educating us, Thomas.  I look forward to all of your blogs. I do hope you are feeling better from your recent bronchitis.

Blessings, Ellen

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Well, Ellen, I'm on Prednisone (steroid) which I call wired and tired! LOL! I'm also on Codeine cough syrup, antibiotics, and nebulizers every 6 hours. I also missed a week of work and have had to stay away from Kenny due to contagion and his weakened immune system. 

On the other hand, I feel much better - the cough is gone, breathing is improving, and too much time on my hands! Thank God for medications even when their side effects are bothersome! 

Thanks for your blessings and prayers! I am under His watch!

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Thanks again for sharing your knowledge on the subject.

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Terifying to go into a coughing fit at home alone and not be able to get your breath.

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Terrifying knowing that each exacerbation will steal lung capacity forever!

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Terrifying knowing that each exacerbation will steal lung capacity forever!

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Thank you Thomas, take good care of yourself and I will definitely protect my quit because as you say my life depends on it thanks again. 


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Thanks for keeping us up to date on COPD-It's on mom and dads death cerificates and now I know so much more about it because of you! I hope stopped smoking soon enough. I am having my annual physical exam on Friday an will ask my doctor about the test. The last time I saw him he offered me a referral to a local hospital for a low cost Cat scan now being used to detect early stage lung cancer.

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