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Night Jasmine plant just arrived

Thanks Dale  JonesCarpeDiem for the idea about this plant. It says it os grown here in Ohio, so I expect it should thrive here. Can't wait. Its pretty small right now. Today looks like the only warm sunny day so I may put it in today? I need to research the planting times for oil to be sure.

I am feeling better but still coughing and runny nose sneezing. I am beginning to think this is ALL allergy related. Pollen is high in our area right now. Company flying in tomorrow night staying for a week. I will check in on Ex as I am able to.

Heres the Jasmine plant. Does anyone know if it is a slow grower? Its SO SMALL!!!! I just opened it and its full of dirt all over the leaves. I just couldn't  wait to show it off, lol


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12 Replies

I've been reading about it and thank you Giulia, as I just read that information as well.  I kinda regret buying it now. I assumed since it was grown in Ohio, it would be okay here but it is saying it thrives in Zones 8 and up...we are between 5-6bZone. It does say it can be grown inside, so I think for now thats what I will do and keep it in my little studio where no dogs or kids go. I have a southern facing window there to put it in.

It says it can be rooted in water too, so maybe I will try that in case this one dies. If it does well for me I will transplant it outside away from house but now I am worried it could be toxic to our deer? What to do

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Mandolinrain is that perhaps some mold on the leaves?

Common Problems That Jasmine Plants Experience

Since Jasmines are tropical plants, one of the most common issues related to them is rust and blight. These two conditions cause damage to the leaves; it can affect the coloration of the foliage, make the leaves wilt, and it can even pass to younger stems or cutting offspring that is taken from the mature plant. Getting rid of fungal issues such as these requires baking soda spray and plenty of aeration. If these issues remain, you may need to clean the pot and the roots to ensure that the disease is gone.

Jasmine Plant Care: How to Care for Jasmine Plants - Garden Lovers Club


No its potting soil from being transported. I looked t over very well.,but thank you. I did read an article about this plant can get moldy and white flys, blah....I think it is really more intended for warmer States than ours.....but Im watching it.

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