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March 27 DIY-HEALTH-GARDEN -HOME...things you can do to busy yourself instead of smoking


*** Heres a boredom project for them. Glue art. using literally any type paper either they glue or you glue a design on the paper with glue, then set paper on a cookie sheet and give them thongs to sprinkle on it. sugar, glitter, sand stones, buttons

***For busy boys- I used to put play sand on a LARGE TRAY or cookie sheet and gave them their little trucks, they had a blast doing that. Little girls AND boys may enjoy doing finger art in it also. Great fun way to practice alphabet and numbers

******Have the kids make stars with potatoes and then decorate a picture for Mothers Day/Fathers day. They can also paint their hands and stamp them on paper using child safe paints

*****Patchwork Lanterns. Using scraps of old material cut into several small pieces , blow up a small ballon and invert the ballon in a small bowl. Using glue of your choice and a small paint brush, glue the fabric to the balloon until its totally covered.. Allow to dry. Pin prick the ballon when its dry and strong the ballon. Very pretty and fun project

*****Robots. My grandson LOVED this. He used anything he could find and made robots. He secured parts with duct tape and or glue. Used cans, eating utensils, buttons, parts from old watches, old jewelry ( which by the way , old jewelry makes for fun craft if gals want to spruce up tops of old tennis shoes or purses, glue the stuff on  Paint and glitter also ..) Anyway you get the idea. He had fun coming up with weirs odds and ends to get super creative


With all the washing we have to do to fight the COVID-19 my hands get even more chapped than normal. Make a sugar scrub. So easy and so soothing.

You can mix sugar and baby oil and add essential oils of your choice and make this the consistency of your choice. Store in a plastic container and after washing your hands, put a little on this one your hands then rinse. It lasts a long time on your hands and is very soothing. I have done this for years. Really nice to do before working outside or with paints also because it keeps the dirt and paint from sticking your your skin :_


Take a water bottle or any plastic drinking bottle and drill small hole in the lid. Replace the lid and you have a small stream to water the tender plants you may be start. Also a nice way to water plants that do not like wet leaves.

IMG_2853.jpgIMG_2860.JPG <In this picture I am watering some strawberries I cut up and am curious to see if they produce. Will update later

Twins arriving soon, so must cut this short. May not be back till Sunday,? Who knows  Enjoy your weekend. N.O.P.E.

PS- Fairy Garden may also be a good project for kids and adults. Perhaps

YoungAtHeart‌ could give some advice on this ?

5 Replies

Happy Friday Missy...Mandolinrain I like the hand washing idea...I have some great essential oils that would smell so good in a hand wash...Thank you for this DIY...Have a beautiful day, Keep safe and keep well...~ Colleen 480 DOF 


"give them thongs to sprinkle on it..."

Might this not be something for an ADULT distraction? 

The fairy garden idea can be tiny, or real garden size (mine is).  To make a tiny one, use an old plate with sides, then gather moss for grass or real grass blades, look for sticks or tree bark to glue for a small house.  Use nut shells for chairs,  Make a table with twigs and bark pieces.  You can make a tiny swing out of string and a piece of bark, but it will need to hang from a tree set in clay on the plate.

For my woodland fairy garden, I get chunks and slices of wood from trees cut down and place them about.  The floor is froallowed to naturalize with leaves and sticks which create very fertile soil. The path through is delineated by large tree branches without their added protrusions.   I have planted ferns throughout, and some woodland flowers.  Since it only gets sunlight in the Spring, that is the only time there are blossoms.  Over the years I have gathered ceramic and cement castles, a few fairy statues, and have ground birdbaths throughout, (I use old fluted plates and cement ones) a few black silhouette stakes, some metal flower stakes. I take fresh water to the birdbaths daily to keep mosquito breeding to a minimum.    A hopscotch for the fairies was made out of pieces of flagstone on which I painted numbers (they don't go down in order since fairies have NO idea what a number is!).  This is set on a flatter section of the path.  I am currently making a fairy house from a dried,  hollowed out squash I found on top of the mulch.  FINALLY found a piece of bark to make a door, and now am looking for some for a roof.  Am also making a swing out of braided macrame cord, a piece of bark for the seat, and will hot glue a couple of silks flowers to it.  These are still in progress--will share a photo when I am finished.   I HAD some photos from the early summer in years past, but can't find them right now.  I did find this photo of my backyard from my back door - the strip of woods is all the way at the back - and you can barely see the swings that hang from a huge old oak right in front of it.

Wagon and Yard 002.JPG

and here is one of a hollowed out tree piece that normally has a castle nestled inside - must have been taken either before or after the placement for that year - there is a fairy resting on a stone in front!


I'll take some more photos when it greens up and everything is back in place!


Oh Nancy, thats beautiful and I cannot wait to do this, this summer with the grandkids. I think we will work on some things inside to put in it....I love the idea of nuts for chairs, etc...we can go for a scavenger hunt in the woods to find fun things to make for it!

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Great ideas Mandolinrain‌..good kid activities for sure. As for me, liked the sugar hand srub; will try that out~ Good luck on the strawberries 


What a gorgeous yard you have, Nancy. and I love that hollowed out log for nestling  the fairy castle! Am really interested in the fairy house from the hollowed out squash and will be sending info to my sisters so we can all do this as a common project. I admire your  creativity and your energy!