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Grow babies grow

I live in a smallish apartment with no real outside area of my own to grow anything. I always liked helping with planting and gardening while growing up, but I have pretty much killed everything I've tried to grow.....does it stop me? no, I still get back up and try again.....just like my previous attempts at quitting smoking. My sister brought me one of those aero gardens and I set it up today. I am hoping that I am able to grow the three pods it came with (Basil, Dill, and Parsley). Hoping someone with a black thumb like mine can become someone with a green thumb this time around. Looking forward to any helpful tips anyone may have when it comes to growing things indoors or any types of plants you may know of that are extremely hard to kill.....think of me as one of those people who may need a book titled gardening for dummies 🤣 

7 Replies

I do like fresh herbs when cooking but I am also in possesion of the dreaded black thumb.  There's probably some good how to videos on Youtube.  I do know that a cactus is hard to kill....hehe.


@Tamarah   I admire your determination.  I am a farmer's daughter, but my husband always has an outdoor garden and he has the greenest thumb you have ever seen.  A friend of mine used her aero garden and she liked it.  She lived in a small space, but always bragged about her little garden of herbs and lettuces too,I think.  Getting adequate sunlight matters.  I have an indoor ivy that grows really well, but it is near a window so it gets sun.  Ivy's usually do well without alot of maintenance, I have had the same plant inside for years, just make sure the soil is good and don't overwater.  I wish you luck and don't ever stop trying🌱.  I would love to see your plants when they start to grow.  



Thank you! I will look into getting some Ivy's. I could definitely use low maintenance. I will post photos of my aero garden when it starts growing. Should be in about 2 weeks or so. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Tamarah Apartment Therapy has tips on gardening in small spaces:

Hope this helps! 🙂

- Danielle, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team

Thank you so much Danielle. I will check out those tips now. 

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Have you tried bunching onions, I fill a cake pan with wet starter soil, leave enough room on top for a thin covering. Just springle the seeds out on the first layer and then cover with a thin layer of seed starter. The seeds should start to germinate in about 4 days. Thin as needed. It would be best to have grow lights, but a warm sunny window will work.


Thanks @Tomuch101. I can try that. I don't have a window where my cats won't reach (they like to eat every plant I have...the only place they cannot get up on is my kitchen counters so that is where my aero garden is). Looks like I'll need a grow light. My aero garden is doing great though, so I am pretty pleased with that. 

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