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Gardening Lovers

Its almost that time of year, to start thinking of planting. What are you planting this year?

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43 Replies

Cindy, I just looked at my recipe I used last year and it just said 'onions'.  I think I did chop up red and also the bunch.

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I say just use your favorite onions and make it your own salsa recipe 🙂 I always do that lol

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I lost a hand making salsa. just left it in, fine dices.

OUCH  and  EW       WWWW!

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What a wonderful idea for a group Cyn! Also, congrats on the turnout so far. 

I joined not becasue I've planted anything but to be inspired by what others are doing. I do have a nice spot in my yard to go all out if I can find the energy and my body will copperate. I might think of hiring someone to do the physical part for me. 

Anyway... INSPIRE ME!

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@ Dale. Oooo. Yummy!

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I still have high hopes for a green house, even a small one, we liveon rock and white soil. someone told me to plant onions and plow them under but theres so many rocks I can't plow anything,

we have had a back hoe come in and dig holes to plant trees adding top soil.

that was about 10 years ago , we have alot of pruning and fertilizing to do this year.

we have a false spring and our fruit trees get confused, they bloom and it freezes, a lady who grow s peaches told me to  spray down the tree in the morning after the frost and it would save the fruit.

we just got our well fixed so we may try that.


I've tried containers, raised beds and no luck, my friend in town can grow anything and our neighbors too, but our land is bad.

Pray for my greenhouse guys, thanks glad to be here


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HI maggie,

I hope you plant something where you live, it would grow all on its own. I'm jealous, It's so moist where you are. Even some perenial flowers would be nice. they would keep coming back for you every year.


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I live on a mountain in NH so growing is a little tough for me here, both because of the soil (it's too rocky) and also because of the wildlife (you name it, we've got it). BUT, this year I plan to do some container gardening in conjunction with using a little plot on my friends land at the bottom of our little mountain (her soil is better than mine, it's actually soil, lol).  We're actually getting started indoors this coming weekend so the timing of thsi group is perfect!  

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My daughter-in-love and I , along with the 4 year-old planted two blueberrie bushes last weekend :). I hope we get some fruit this year. We were going to start our seeds yesterday, but the circus took up the entire day. I had a 10-ft. row of pole beans last year, and tons of cherry tomatoes. Unfortunately, the blasted hornworm showed up for the first time last year, dammit. Now I'm dealing with them as well as armyworms, and georgia clay, of which nothing seems to want to grow in. I don't know how much veggie gardening I want to do this year, but I will still do flowers. I miss the Wisconsin soil 😞

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Well I couldn't let Dale & Max have all the fun & be the only guys in here.

Yes Tx Lady those are green onions or Shallots.

It seems strange for some reason that that my hyacinths are already coming up. I know my crocus & daffodils are supposed to be blooming & I'm also seeing the tips of my trillium coming up. Anyway...I've also got lambs ear, clematis, hostas, daisies, hydrangea, azalea, balloon plants, camelia, blueberry, gardenia, blackberry, persimmon & other growing things. Oh yeah...crabgrass.

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