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“If I was……I would be….” Game

"I was....I would be...." Game

Take the letters in order alphabetically, and tell us what you would be and what you would do. For example: Starting with A: If I was an Alpaca, I would spit on mean people!

Next B:

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53 Replies

ON THE FLOOR!!!!!!!  

crying with laughter emoticon

Oh but my stomach hurts.  Oh goodness that is HILARIOUS!   (though I might wish it for Sean Connery m'self!)  

I'm laughing so hard I'm hiccuping!    Snorting.  Gulping air.  Cheeks are strained, jaw is tired,  Weakness is setting in.  And this is GOOD!

You did me in with that one sweetpit.  And you have know that every time I see you avatar name it looks like sweetpit to me 'cause I keep not seeing the L somehow (eyes are going, I'm old! lol)  and I just personally love thinking of you as sweetpit.   Because you are such a loving, funny sweet pit of goodness. sweetplt


Oh Giulia so happy I could make you laugh...LOL...Happy Saturday sweet lady...

If I were an Astronaut I would fly to the moon, Alice, to the moon!


If I was a bear toy, I would find a little girl who is sick and let her hold me all day long...