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Lifestyle Changes/ Water Pledge

I pledge with Sharon to drink 8 glasses or more of water today.

Went shopping and got lettuce for 69 cents. Its been awhile since i have seen it at that price but i am trying to eating more salads. I also bought Schwebels country hearth Lite 100% whole wheat bread for my toast in the morning. I have been taking 132 calories for 2 slices and this bread is only 70 calories for 2 slices. I have 62 extra calories to eat something else. I tried also that popup bowl by Orville Redenbacher. It was sweet/salty. You can eat just about the whole bag for under 200 calories. 

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214 Replies

I'm so glad we are all drinking water!! I usually have at least 64 oz. of water a day.

Sharon, I have to get up and go too....don't feel like the Lone Ranger. 🙂

Wish I could hang with you in Orlando....we could drink more water together! 🙂

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Do we pledge daily or once. I drank more, of course, but I don't count my Vitamin waters and they are 20 oz. Anyway I pledge again to drink at least 8 glasses of water, and I don't count coffee or tea. I remember from Atkins diet that you had to have WATER. I have a tiny bottle of flavoring made by one of the bottled waters so when I get my water out of the refrigerator door, I squirt in a touch. My favorite is Strawberry/Kiwi. I get it at the grocery store and it's by Dasani.

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OK, got the water down yesterday.   It's funny, seems like the more I drink the thirstier I feel.   I heard once that is my body yelliing for more...may be dehydrated.    So, I drink.

I pledge again today that I will drink my 8 glasses of water along with a couple of cups of green tea.



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I always ignored my body when i was thirsty. Candy, vitamin water would count. It wouldn't be any more different compared to the flavored. Am drinking too, today!

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Thursday morning.    Snow coming down....1-2# per hour for another couple of hours.   I have to go to dr but it isn't that far to drive.

So, got my water in yesterday.

Didn't lose any weight yesterday (lost 2.5 the day before).

Today I pledge that I will drink 8 glasses of water today.

I also pledge that I will walk on treadmill for 30 minutes (at least).

What are you guys doing today?

Can we set up a Pledge for Today discussion link on here so we can each pledge what we will do for the day?     What do people think of that idea?

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Today I pledge that I will drink 8 glasses of water. Had my smoothie for breakfast of  frozen peaches, frozen banana pieces, Stevia to taste, and skim milk. Ate fruit the whole day yesterday and didn't lose a thing. Got my husband's cold, sinuses all stuffed up and asthma from going out yesterday in the cold. Used rescue inhaler and am better today.

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@ Sharon, thats why i set this one up for that purpose. 

@ Candy, be careful on fruit cause it still has the natural sugars. They say we are supposed to have 4 servings a day but that depends on our activity too. Whole piece of fruit is serving or canned, fresh chopped 1/2 cup is a serving.

I got all my water in my 11:30 last night. I didn't get all my steps in 😞 I had an appt in the am and by time i got home, it wasn't a good idea for the wii so close to the time i would have to leave for work. i have to pace what i do so i am not exhausted or in pain by time work starts. With all this rock salt lately, i am sure getting hours of vacuuming in. I aggravated the carpal in my left hand. 

Todaay i pledge another day of water and  to eat my calorie limit (that is important) If you eat under, you can gain weight in the end. I read an article. I will try to find it again and post it here.

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oops Sharon...i read that wrong. I will start it.

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I've always had this problem of under eating. Trying to make reverse changes this time. This isn't the original article I was thinking about posting but is close. I should of bookmarked the other one. It was more detailed.


If I consume fewer calories than my plan recommends, will I lose weight faster?

A Strange as it sounds, going too low on calories can hurt your ability to lose weight. Here's why.

Your body is designed to protect itself from starvation during times of greatly-reduced food availability. So when you eat too little, your body thinks it's starving. To compensate, your metabolism will slow down considerably, making it very difficult (or impossible) for you to lose weight. In this state, your body will preferentially burn everything but your stored body fat. 

Eating too little poses other problems as well, such as nutritional deficiencies. On top of that, if you later increase your calories after a long bout of eating too few, your body will be more likely to store these calories as fat, in preparation for another future "famine." 

Your best bet is to aim for a slow weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week by combining a moderate calorie reduction with increased calorie expenditure through exercise. If all the info you entered during your program set-up is accurate, the recommended calorie range you received should be what you need to accomplish this healthy rate of weight loss. 

Some people have problems eating enough calories when they try to avoid dietary fat—especially by always choosing low-fat or non-fat versions of common foods. So try to find some good sources of "healthy fats" (the monounsaturated fat in nuts, olive and canola oils, avocados, etc.), and foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, like flaxseed, salmon, or tuna
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How many calories should I eat???

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