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Let's Get Moving Challenge

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Today is a happy day darn it!   I've been smoke free for 38 days today.  I've been on my pity potty just moping around.  I get home from work and lay down and watch television all night.  I sleep the weekend away.   I have no interest in doing anything at all.  Sometimes I don't even want to leave the office because there's nothing to look forward to when I get home.  (I used to sit on my beautiful deck and have a wonderful glass of red wine with my smokes, before I start dinner).  Not anymore.  It's the depression I experience ever time I quit.   For those of you who don't know me, I've quit many times (one time for four years!)  It's like there is simply no more enjoyment in life.  I can't enjoy a glass of wine because it is my number one trigger -- alcohol.  I've learned that lesson  more than once.   I'm far from an alcoholic, but I do enjoy going out and having a few drinks on occasion (in addition to my glass or two of red when I get home).  I haven't had a drink since my quit date of May 1, 2017.   BLAH, BLAH, BLAH...

BUT NOT THIS TIME!!!!!  No, no, no.  This time I'm going to do something different.  I refuse to go down the same road.  What's that famous saying by Einstein?  "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result?"  Well, insanity no more my friends.  I've decided to get off my couch and get my lazy butt moving.  This weekend I'm going to start living an active lifestyle.  I used to enjoy hiking, biking and kayaking and I do none of it anymore.  Everybody says that one of the best things for depression is getting outside and exercising.  Spring and sprung and there is no better time than now to start this challenge.

I'm looking for fellow Ex'ers to join me in my activity challenge.    I'm calling it the "Let's Get Moving" Challenge because I hate the word exercise.  Not only do I hate the word, I hate actually exercising.  LOL.  But really, all joking aside, I really do hate it.  But, I know it's the best thing for me.  I don't want to fail again.  I will fail if I don't try something different to get me out of this funk.

So, I challenge all of you to join me.  I'm going to try to "get moving" at least 4 times a week.  I'll stay accountable to all of you, which in turn will make me accountable to myself.  I promise to post my accomplishments and I welcome you to do the same.  Now that it should be easier for us to breathe, whadda-ya-say?  Do you want to take this journey with me?  Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.

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You all are doing GREAT!  I just weeded for about four hours today.  Happifying!  It has rained so the earth was nice and soft!  Didn't do the 10 minutes on the "horse."  And that's ok with me.  The scale showed less though.  And that's REAL nice!  Probably because husband is away and I'm cooking dinner for myself.  He usually cooks and does the three course dinner, meat, starch, vegetable.  I normally just skip the starch part.  Tomorrow my goal is to weedwack for at least an hour, then garden an hour and maybe do weights after.  If I can get it up.

Keep on.  Have fun.  Be mindfully careful.

Walked around the zoo for 4 hours today. Hoping to do my workout program after dinner tonight. We'll see 


kristen-9.7.15 Yikes, walking around a zoo for four hours would do me in for a LOOOOONG time.


Feeling GOOD about myself tonight.  After five hours in the brace (a new RECORD) with no ill effects I might add, I walked 2.2 miles and weeded the rest of my woodland area and one of my flower beds at dusk. 

Yesterday I did 4 hours in the brace, walked 1.2 miles, and swam about 10 (I think) lengths of the pool and water walked for 5 minutes.

For an old lady on crutches, I am feeling pretty proud!!!

And I did day 6 of the 30 day challenge. I'm done for the day!


I managed over an hour of walking in the forest preserve today. Being uncomfortable in social situations does have it's upside.

0 Kudos

Kudos to Kristen on your  zoo walk and then I guess you did your workout after all after dinner?!!! Nancy -  5 hours in the brace and weeded the rest of your woodland area???  You're an amazement.  You SHOULD be feeling pretty proud!  As far as I'm concerned anybody who is participating in this challenge and who has gotten their butts up and is doing something should feel proud.  And Dian - over an hour walking in a forest preserve - just the scenery alone is enough to lose calories by the dopamine high!

I didn't do as much as I had intended, but I did SOMETHING.  I whipped another gas load full in the weed wacker and weeded one specific bed.  That took over 2 1/2 hours.  Did NOT do any weight workout, but you know - we does what we can when we can.  And that's the POINT of this challenge.  Anything but sitting on our butts all day.  

Now I'm sure Sassy will chime in and tell us she's done a zillion lazy rivers and...what all else.  Some day I must experience a lazy river exercise routine.  The only lazy river I've been acquainted with was on an inner tube at a water park.  And that wasn't exactly exercise!  lol 


Haha snicker snicker Giulia‌ hmm no lazy river walk today but yep tomorrow I will brag about my 1 hour lazy river walk lol. Come to Indy Giulia and I will introduce you to the lazy river walk lol. The key is you don't get the inner tube until the walk is done then you get to float and relax. Glad you got some rain Giulia and ground as softer. All that yard work is hard work especially in this heat. Yay way to go kristen-9.7.15  for walking zoo and curious did you make the exercise video after dinner lol and Diannnnn  awesome on that for preserve walk today and YoungAtHeart I am proud of you wearing that brace and getting use to it Yay you for and impressed I am how much you move no matter what. 2.2 miles of walking and yard work you should be proud you have accomplished  a lot my dear.

Well today I set out for a relaxation day but had my grandson all day long who just turned 11 and lots of energy so you know so much for relaxing.  We had a fun day as we went to breakfast and then to the hobby store and he picked out slime for part of his gift. We came home and played with the slime and slimed each other for over an hour. Who would have thought we would be entertained with slime that long. Then we went to sporting store to buy him a bebe gun (not my idea I will have to say). So we were waiting and waiting to make the purchase but their computer was not cooperating and my grandson was getting restless waiting so him and I went to the weight/exercise area waiting for my hubby to meet us there so Caleb (grandson) and I started testing out all of their elipticals and we found ourselves working out for 20 mins. Hubby finally caught up with us and we both were huffing and puffing an sweating so thank you DIcks sporting store for the use of their equipment and my workout today lol.  Not one person approached us the whole time lol.  Had a great time with Caleb, Have a good night everyone.


Looks like everyone got some good movement in today. Great job everyone!

No exercise for me today. To busy trying to learn to be my own plumber. I think maybe I should stick with exercise. Did stop a bathroom drain pipe from leaking with caulking. That will have to do for now.  And I now think I need a new bathtub after removing the tub drain lever that was gross. Got it cleaned up put back in and it still don't work. Well that was my movement of the day. 


shashort‌  Never thought of that - a free eliptical workout at Dicks!  (Fortunately that's not a banned word - yet!   I guess robots understand references after all!   lol)  Gotta remember that.  Hmmmm, I wonder if going in there every day for a 20 minute workout would alert the managers?  However we all move it, is a goooood thing.  Kudos!