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Let's Get Moving Challenge

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Today is a happy day darn it!   I've been smoke free for 38 days today.  I've been on my pity potty just moping around.  I get home from work and lay down and watch television all night.  I sleep the weekend away.   I have no interest in doing anything at all.  Sometimes I don't even want to leave the office because there's nothing to look forward to when I get home.  (I used to sit on my beautiful deck and have a wonderful glass of red wine with my smokes, before I start dinner).  Not anymore.  It's the depression I experience ever time I quit.   For those of you who don't know me, I've quit many times (one time for four years!)  It's like there is simply no more enjoyment in life.  I can't enjoy a glass of wine because it is my number one trigger -- alcohol.  I've learned that lesson  more than once.   I'm far from an alcoholic, but I do enjoy going out and having a few drinks on occasion (in addition to my glass or two of red when I get home).  I haven't had a drink since my quit date of May 1, 2017.   BLAH, BLAH, BLAH...

BUT NOT THIS TIME!!!!!  No, no, no.  This time I'm going to do something different.  I refuse to go down the same road.  What's that famous saying by Einstein?  "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result?"  Well, insanity no more my friends.  I've decided to get off my couch and get my lazy butt moving.  This weekend I'm going to start living an active lifestyle.  I used to enjoy hiking, biking and kayaking and I do none of it anymore.  Everybody says that one of the best things for depression is getting outside and exercising.  Spring and sprung and there is no better time than now to start this challenge.

I'm looking for fellow Ex'ers to join me in my activity challenge.    I'm calling it the "Let's Get Moving" Challenge because I hate the word exercise.  Not only do I hate the word, I hate actually exercising.  LOL.  But really, all joking aside, I really do hate it.  But, I know it's the best thing for me.  I don't want to fail again.  I will fail if I don't try something different to get me out of this funk.

So, I challenge all of you to join me.  I'm going to try to "get moving" at least 4 times a week.  I'll stay accountable to all of you, which in turn will make me accountable to myself.  I promise to post my accomplishments and I welcome you to do the same.  Now that it should be easier for us to breathe, whadda-ya-say?  Do you want to take this journey with me?  Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.

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Sorry about typo's  I wonder why one cannot edit here ?  I meant to say, Did I already tell you that I had Lyme disease for the second time ...........

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mid-Atlantic - I do have room AC's for when it stays in the 90's for several days.  My bedroom is on the 2nd floor.......most of the time all I need is the fan, though - and I LOVE having my windows open and a breeze over me - I have 10 foot ceilings, and lots of big trees to give me shade - ceiling fans, so I usually only have to turn on the AC units for about 10 days each summer. 


If have to go all the way back to the original blog to edit. 


Congrats I know it feels great when you can wear clothes that you have been longing to get in.  Good job on keeping it MOVING.  Still haven't checked out the videos.  For some reason I can not stay still long enough. 

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roller831‌ Here is your kick in the butt, I have COPD and RA, I am in agony today because someone on a motorized cart tried to run over me in Walmart and screwed up my arm as I attempted to keep from falling as well as knocking everything off the shelves.  I slept with ice on my shoulder, my elbow, and my wrist, I was FREEZING all night long but I wanted to make today better.  I did seven miles on the bike, did 10 squats (that's a lot for me without water), did a free weight work out for my arms with small weights and special attention to how my one arm was holding up.  Now, I am going to do some planks and then I am done.  I work tomorrow so I don't want to make it impossible to move.

How funny, bonniebee‌ that you remember that too, every gym class...what a nightmare.  My friend has Lyme Disease, she also has RA and she seems to flare with both of them at times...her pain is clearly terrible and she tires easily.

YoungAtHeart‌ I used to love sleeping with windows open and feeling the breezes and hearing the wind...I can't do it so much anymore because of my COPD, I miss that.  I sleep with a ceiling fan, a fan next to me, AND we have central air.  Guess I like it kind of cold, it makes it easier for me to breathe, it's probably psychological.

Giulia‌ My daughter in law asked me if I could do two short shifts a week instead of one long one...I said no, absolutely not, if they get into serious trouble and want me to do an occasional half shift NOT back to back with the full shift, I will think about it if I am feeling alright.  She said she thinks they have enough people cross trained so that Mondays should be covered.  I agreed to stay with my Saturdays and do a full shift but she and my son know that if I can't keep going, I will let them know. 

Okay everyone...keep moving and remember that every move counts.


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Way to say NO!  I am proud of you!!!!!  I cannot BELIEVE what you did today while hurting from that fall.  You ARE an amazing woman - just AMAZING!

I want to do more today, but spent over an hour on each of two wooden windows that have been stuck shut.  I decided THIS was the Fall I was going to do ALL the insides and outsides so at least these two would be sparkling clean.  I wish God would give me the muscle - but he DID give me the brains.  After banging and using soap and drying to PUSH the things up, I thought a putty knife might work.  Put Teflon over the narrow end, hit it with a small rubber mallet to get it between the window edge and the wood up and down where the window was tight.... VOILA - took a bit of redoing, but got both loose, got the storms out and back in (again with the help of a bit of Teflon on the old aluminum).  Result - crystal clear windows.  I have a few more to do....but they will be for ANOTHER day!!!  Also got the walls of that room dusted, and the furniture dusted.  I will iron the curtains and tablecloth that I hung out today and vacuum tomorrow - and ANOTHER  room will be done!

And THIS day is in the books!

I guess this counts for moving.   I did move ladders and go up and down and up and down - and used my arms and shoulders to move the ladder, pound with the mallet, clean 8 sides of windows ---- so I'm gonna' call this exercise.

Giulia‌ - when do you have a PT appointment?

bonniebee  - I thought Lyme Disease WAS recurring.....I had a colleague who had a terrible knee from it, and over the years it kept flaring - it would swell something terrible....

roller831  - rather than waste time berating yourself, perhaps it would be good to remember how good it feels when you DO eat right and exercise.  Don't you feel lighter?  More energetic?  Less inclined to eat junk just naturally?  It's OK to fall off the wagon occasionally - but don't waste time criticizing yourself for it.  Get back on the plan!!

Diannnnn  - baby steps are OK.  You got two applications done - GOOD FOR YOU!  Decide what little steps you might take tomorrow?

JACKIE1-25-15 - I have no words.  None!  I hope you know how fortunate you are to be able to do what you do............although I am sure it also takes some fortitude to get over your physical problems and continue on with it. 

Hey, everybody - good MOVIN' today - remember - it's not how MUCH you do - it's just DOING!



YoungAtHeart‌ Hahahaha, I am an amazing woman????  You cleaned like a crazed Cinderella and, in my mind and body, that's harder than working out and just doing the same thing over and over again.  I have to admit that I did not get the planks arm was beginning to snarl at me and I decided I need to sleep tonight so I can work tomorrow.




I guess you showed those windows who was boss!! Not sure about tomorrow yet, but it won't be outside. Super hot here and it's making it a little bothersome to breathe. In fact I am sitting outside after sunset and sweat is rolling off me. I'm pretending it's a sauna. I'm gonna need a shower before bed....


Do you do all your work alone?  Seems you do an awful lot with a heel that may need to be resting. 


elvan‌ So sorry to hear of the nasty incident at Walmart.  You did however handle it magnificently.  I too am proud of you for saying no to your sister in law especially when you do not feel you are physically ready.  You indeed are an amazing women for many reasons.  You are also very insightful - I share your words,  "I am convinced that not letting things out ends up in my joints.  I know that any confrontation takes about 48 hours to show up in my body as pain & fever."  I believe this as well.  About 30 years ago - at the dawn of the self help era - I purchased a book:  "Heal your Body"  The mental causes for physical illness.  by Louise Hay.   EG:  In those younger years I suffered from severe sinus headache.  At the time I was stuffing my anger and holding it in.  Now I could go on suffering or I could learn how to release my anger.  I choose the later.  Within a month I realized there were no more headaches.  The book does not "heal" anyone.  It does awaken within you the ability to contribute to your own healing process.  For us to become whole and healthy, we must balance the body, mind and spirit.  When these three things are in balance we experience more joy in life.  We need to have a positive mental attitude about ourselves and about life.   So you are right - not letting go of anger, frustration, or conflict of any kind may result in our body suffering.  It is good to cry or in some other way release the pressure.  Next time you have a pain in the neck - think - is there someone close you consider to be a pain in the neck?   Food for thought - but it can be helpful.   More later -- enjoy the remainder of your evening.