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John's Living Room

Check out my progress here



My start weight for March = 260.4 lbs.

My long term (1 year) Goal = Maintain 200 - 210 lb wt average without smoking.

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Hi, John -- It's your friend Donna, who has been very bad about visiting her friends' living rooms for the last couple of weeks.  😞 

I'm working on this diet thing very diligently, and putting lots of time in on the corporate-sponsored website, where my progress is tracked (how many videos I've watched, how many articles I've read) so there is accountability.  I'm also journaling everything I eat at, which is a great site because you can look up virtually ANY food and find not only the caloric value, but the carbs, fats, sugars, sodium, etc.  It's totally awesome.  I'm supposed to log in my calories at the end of each day on my corporate sponsored site, so I get my total from Myfitness pal and enter it into the other site.  And, I've been trying to get physical activity into my schedule.  I've done something every day, but today -- went to the doc and I have bronchitis and I didn't think I should over-exert myself today.

But there's no excuse for not visiting my friends.  Sounds like you're doing a bang up job of getting things organized here and in your diete!  I would like to understand your scoring system better -- can you interpret each of the categories and how you score?  It might be an interesting thing for me to participate in as well.

I don't know if you saw my blog last night about the Skinny Pop, but if I binge on anything, that's it.  39 calories a cup is great, but if you eat 10 or 12 cups, it's very self-defeating.  I finished the last bag today, and I'm just NOT going to buy any more.  If I don't have it I can't binge on it.  That is one thing I just can't seem to eat in moderation.

So yay for us and I'll stay in better touch.

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It was nice to hear from you Donna (YAY) and the excitement of your other healthy venues. When first opening this group another member, DIANE had suggested myfitnesspal,com. 

Diane is also working with that site. I checked it out and it looked real good but I didn't want to split my time from this group. If I cannot get the results I want, I will definetly go to that site also because common sense tells me they have the education, knowledge and a support group that undrstands. ALSO, now have two members vouching for it. I think it's a great alternative for learning better habits.

Thank you Diane and Donna (oh no D+D = Dunkin.... nooo, don't say it)  too much juice I think HEHEHE

For myself, I am  eager to see what I do this week. I've accomplished 3 goals since starting here. 1) I re-examined my habits, 2) I'm changing my habits 3) I made through my first DeTox. I'm gonna chill this week  (but maintain healthy habits) and let my body find it's new healthy comfort zone.

I found this CRAZY cookbook at OSJL (Do you have Ocean State Job Lots in your Area's??) called the 4 hour Chef. $35 book for $5. I bought 5 of them for other family also. 

Anyway it has a recipe in there for "Edible Dirt" It.s all dible stuff, like black rice, raisens, cocnut etc. After making it it looks like dirt. Put it in a clear vase and put edible flowers in there.( there's lots of edible flowers). I will bring this flower arrangement to my Nieces Easter gathering and at sometime dig in and start eating the flower arrangement. (No one will know what it is and they will freak!)

I wish everyone a smoke free day and always give praise to where it goes, which also includes yourself. GOOD JOB.  

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I must talk about my weight because it is one of many  indicaters of my health. I hate talking about it because I do not like giving it such a importance, but I had a aHa moment the other day that is allowing me to come to terms with this.

My weight is nothing more than an ALARM BELL! The more overweight I am the louder the Alarm Bells & Warning Sirens.

For me, the following is how I correlate my weight to the warning bells: 

260 - 280:  National Disaster Siren going off. (Could not ignore it any more)

250 - 260: Three Alarm Fire (Not a good place to be)

240 -250; One Alarm Fire (Structure could be salvaged)

230 - 240: School Recess Bell (Follow the rules)

220-230: Morning Alarm Clock (A good start to the day)

210-220: A Servants Bell: (A call to the dinner table)

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Aha moments are beautiful!!!

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Good morning! I am starting to make my way around for visits. I like the alarms, John 🙂 However we have to think to get ourselves on track. Please take a pic of those edible flowers. I have never heard or saw such a thing 🙂

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The past two days have not been good and as much as I want to say I was changing my habits, In reality, I was mostly "just dieting". I fell off diet and ended back into the 3 alarm fire. 

My efforts did bear some fruits though. two healthier habits that are becoming real habits are my "less intake of caffine" and "staying below 258.5" And as a bonus I'm learning and learning and learning (about different foods and physical activities)

So weight wise (Not so good today) but Healthier Habits (Pretty darn good)

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aHa.. each day we make a choices, when our options are confusing, limited, and uneducated the choices we make (with the best intentions) can be wrong... or they can be right.

You all know I've been battleing with this whole "Healthier Habits" vs "Dieting" distinction. I NOW percieve them as seperate entities. 

So to take the confusion out of my choice option everyday I am going to give myself 3 choices for the day. I WILL CHOOSE one of those 3 choices for my daily regimen.

1) Reckless Abandon: This is a choice and cannot be ignored.

2) Healthier Habits: To (eat / exercise) moderately within our guidelines as to what we consider to be healthy for ourselves.

3) Dieting: A specific restriction for the day to lose weight or not gain weight.

I unintentionally chose 1) Reckless Abandon: for the past 2 days. Today I choose 2) Healthier Habits.

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The main thing is that we keep trying, to never give up. More in my LR shortly

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This is why it's such a journey for each of us.  And with the help of my friends I can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey, John -- I did a little reckless abandon tonight as well -- I had a chocolate covered mango ice (90 calories) which was really good and then I had something called Goji  & Rasberry flavored dark chocolate.  You can have 16 pieces of it for 170 calories, so I went for it!  That is the first sweet stuff I've consumed since 2/28.  Not feeling guilty about it, either!!

I love the alarm system -- Just have to adapt the numbers so they work for me.

Yay for you and your gusto!!

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