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Jess's Living Room

Hi all,

I just joined this site today.  I have a lot of motivation to quit and to get healthy - I want to get pregnant soon!  My quit date is 6/1/15.  

I've quit before - for as long as 8 years - but this time I'm going to make it permanent.  I went to counseling at our local health department with a nurse, and next week I will get some patches from them.  I've been working on delaying smoking when I have a craving - something the nurse advised me to do.  He said if you can make it about 10-15 minutes without a cigarette when you have a craving, the craving will go away.  So far, I can delay myself from having a cigarette for long periods of time - by distracting, chewing gum, etc. - but the craving is still there.  I still end up having one.  Granted, I'm having fewer cigarettes, but it seems like it is still going to be difficult to give up...maybe the patches will help take away the cravings?  I've never used the patch before - I've always quit cold turkey in the past.  

So I would really like it if people shared what has helped them quit.


I've recently started exercising regularly again.  I got a gym membership and went three days last week.  So far, I've only made it once this week, but I'm trying not to beat myself up about it.  I've learned I can always come up with excuses not to go - I need to work on the reasons to go.  One "reason" I gave myself today was by joining a "boot camp" at my gym.  The "boot camp" will meet twice a week for six weeks, and I'm hoping it will keep me motivated.  Not to mention, the dent in my wallet will hopefully motivate me as well.  I'm hoping to see results which will also continue to motivate me.

My diet is pretty good...I'm vegan.  I'm working on eating out less, and eating more raw foods.  I'm also adding supplements like magnesium and a B-complex.  

So, what motivates you to keep exercising and eating healthy?


Thanks for reading!


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13 Replies

I try to drink more water....that varies depending on the day.     I also am (slowly) increasing the number of steps each day.       Finally, I remind myself that I deserve the good things that life (i.e. God) gives to me!

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I am still working on the water issue but trying to make better choices in eating and making it a part of my life long journey. I also walk and try to get in 10-12,000 steps a day now that the weather is nice.

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I'm trying to increase my steps as well.  I need a good step counter (not my phone) in order to keep track...this will be my next investment 🙂  All the money I would have spent on cigarettes can go to a fitbit, or something like it.  Yay!  I've been working on better eating choices as well, and trying not to eat out as much.  I always drink a lot of water, but that is mainly because of medication I am on which dehydrates me.  Keep up the healthy choices gang!  I went to the gym today - my healthy choice for the day.

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I have a hard time drinking a gallon of water each day so I marked a mason jar lid into quarters -1-2-3-4- and an pointer on the band. It's helping me track and drink 4 quart jars of water just by noticing where my pointer is on the mason jar.  

Everyone is saying h20 is so important and I'm tryng to make that my healthy choice. 

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