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Jennifer's Journey

This will have to be short and sweet - Today is day one!  I had my official weigh in this morning so my starting point is 153.4 - not obese but heavier than I have ever been.  My goal weight is 140.  I am going the low carb route because it works for me.  I made a batch of Shawn's recipe (sorry forgot the name), with the eggs and cream cheese.  I am going to have one for breakfast with a slice of ham and pepperjack cheese.  Hope everyone has a great day!

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15 Replies

Hi Jennifer, Just a quick hello and hope all is well. You have a Great Weekend. TGIF YAYYY!

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Well, I had my cheat day on Wednesday and it really was not all that.  One of my co-workers told me that I was in a "carb coma" and I believe that was true - lol  All I wanted to do was take a nap.  But jumped right back on the wagon on Thursday and my jeans actually feel a little looser this morning.  Have a good day everyone!

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That's great, Looser jeans and not going postal on the food for your cheat day are great accomplishments. I hope you're enjoying your weekend.

Have another smokefree and healthier day today!

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Good for your Jennifer!!

Have a great one.  

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Jennifer, I love that I can wear jeans and pants that I couldn't wear a year ago.    Next step.....I have 2 more pair that I need to lose maybe another 5 lbs to wear.    I'm trying to recognize the progress on clothes and measurements rather than just the scale.    

Celebrate your loss....not with food but with a great big "Atta Girl".


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I did buy a couple smaller pants but i still wear the bigger ones. I just made a comment yesterday saying that i really need to get rid of these other ones. We are almost getting to the point where they will fall down on their own haha I noticed the scale is moving slowly but i sure can tell it in the clothes and know i am still making progress, just in a different way. Its important that we recognize that or we can easily get discouraged. Have a great smoke free day!

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